5 Reasons to Resist

There was a time when war was glamorized in movies as a romantic adventure with swashbuckling officers leading their men in a heroic charge and taking a hill against insurmountable odds.  However, those kinds of moives fell out of vogue when the left tried to discourage wars against communism such as Korea and especially Vietnam.

However, movies glorifying resistance movements never fell out of vogue because the left was able to redefine fascists and equate them to conservatives.  Of course, the truth is that fascists are socialist, but most people have no idea what a fascist really is.  If you’re not sure you can always go back and listen to my podcast defining fascism by clicking on the link.

War is not a pretty thing and being put in a situation where we have to resist a power trying to conquer us is just as ugly.  However, there comes a time when difficult decisions must be made and we have to stand up to the ugliness and defend our freedoms from a government wishing to take those freedoms away in order to meet its oppressive goals.

We have been facing this onslaught against our freedoms for a long time in America and we have fought back where it was proper for us to do so.  The fight was at the ballot box using peaceful tools of persuasion to affect the outcome of elections.

Force is Being Used

However, what happens when one party cannot win using those peaceful tools of persuasion and instead resorts to using lies, deception, fraud, and force?  Three of those four have been part of American politics from the beginning, but lately, we have witnessed an unprecedented rise in this deceit until it culminated in a stolen election for which their is plenty of evidence.

The introduction of force by the Democrat Party is something new to the American scene where voters are disenfranchised and the threat of retribution and violence are used to intimidate us into submission.  I’m not just speaking of the riots justified by the Democrats in cities they control, but I’m also speaking of the unprecendented pressures being put on Americans since Biden illegally rose to power.

The tactics of the left, as defined within the Democrat Party, had been to slowly erode away our liberties in such a way that not everyone is affected at the same time.  For that reason, they have been very successful in their efforts to turn this nation into their new vision of a socialist state.  That meant that aware Americans had drawn different lines for themselves as to how far they could be pushed before they began to resist.  With people having drawn different lines at different places, we were never unified because no power grab had caused every American to make a decision between submission and resistance at the same time.

They Have Drawn the Line

Until now.  This time the Democrat Party has drawn the line for all Americans and it’s clear and visible to everyone.  The vaccine mandate is affecting every American in some form with a very real threat that puts our freedoms and ability to support our families in jeopardy.  We all know someone in danger of losing their job unless they submit to this gross government intrusion into our lives.  The line has been drawn for everyone and it was drawn by the man occupying the White House.  A position he gained illegally as more and more evidence of massive voter fraud is amassed against those who put Joe Biden in power.

We Are Living Under Tyranny

We are currently living under a tyrannical government.  If you missed my podcast about the five parts of the definition of tyranny and how all five parts of that definition have been met by the Biden regime, then listen to the podcast here if you doubt we’re living under a tyrannical government.

The Democrats, whose motto seems to be, “never let a good crisis go to waste,” has been exaggerating Covid numbers across the board since this apparently man-made version of the flu hit us.  A man-made version that Dr. Fauci helped to fund, by the way.  They changed the way deaths were defined to add an additional 95% to the death toll attributed to COVID.  That’s why those who allow themselves to be deceived think COVID is more of a problem than it truly is.

Study after study has come out saying masks are ineffective, as are the shutdowns of our economy, yet how many people continue to wear masks because the government tells them to, despite the evidence saying differently.

We are then told vaccines will solve the problem, but people with vaccines are still getting COVID and it’s happening at such a rate that logic tells us the vaccines are problematic.  We are still being given misleading numbers to fool us to submit, such as hospitalization numbers.  A new study of those numbers shows that hospitals have been counting people coming into their facilities for other treatments as COVID patients if they have tested positive, even without symptoms, and even if being in the hospital for another reason that has nothing to do with COVID.

We have witnessed lie after lie, and deception after deception, yet the media is part of these lies and deception so that Americans who have been taught not to question their government fail to realize they are being led down the path of submission.  Link

We Are Being Subjugated

The time has come to resist our government.  Not out of some false romantic idea that we’re like the resistance fighters of WWII or the patriots of the American Revolution.  It is time to resist because we are being conquered from within, just as was predicted by Kruchev at the United Nations on November 18, 1956.  The Democrat Party has embraced socialism in a new form that is a hybrid between communism and fascism.  Their goal in America is the subjugation of the American people with the leaders of the Democrat Party and their accomplices in the media and Big Tech to become our masters.

We are seen as consumers that need to be manipulated for financial gain and to create a society to be managed by those that think they’re elite and those who think they know better how to manage our lives in order to bring about some far-off utopian dream.

We’re the Last Bastion of Freedom

For over a  century people from around the world have been fleeing from other countries that had implemented socialism.  Just like the Democrats are trying to do in America today.  America is the last bastion of freedom.  What happens if this last bastion of freedom falls?  What then?  Where do we flee to?  We have nowhere to go, so that makes it even more important for us to resist this unlawful, unconstitutional, and unAmerican attack on our liberties.

Revolutionary InsightsHow do we resist?  We don’t wear masks.  We don’t submit to a vaccine that is currently killing more people than COVID.  The media has proven they’re not to be trusted, so it’s up to us to inform our neighbors of the truth in a kind way.  We question even what the CDC says because we have also caught them in too many lies.  We find others willing to resist and we unite with them.  You may even want to consider joining a militia in case the Democrats allow their militant wing, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter to intimidate peaceful citizens and voters.

However, the most important thing we as Christians need to be doing is praying for God’s direction and caring for our neighbors.  Use these uncertain times to tell others about our hope we have in Christ.  Show your neighbors you care for them, not just for their vote.  Satan is using the Democrat Party to push us ever closer to the anit-Christ.  Let us turn this against Satan and the Democrats by witnessing and sharing God’s love, hope, and the liberty that we find only in Christ.  The Democrats can only give fear and oppression as they try to subjagate us to conform to a world without the hope we have in Christ.  Stand firm!  Defend the faith, your neighbors and your families.

As it says in James 4:7, “Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee far from you.”

A Matter of Liberty

In 1776 Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, when speaking of our rights as mankind, the following immortal line, “…they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness…”  Today I’m going to focus on the word liberty.  What does it mean, and more importantly perhaps, what does it not mean?


A simple definition is, “The condition of being free from oppressive restriction or control by a government or other power.”  Yet, we are all under government restrictions and control in some way or the other.  Does that mean that the only true liberty is anarchy?  Can government and liberty coexist?

The keyword in the definition of liberty is the word “oppressive.”  What then does the word, “oppressive” mean?  It means, “Exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; tyrannical.  Difficult to cope with; causing hardship or depressed spirits.”

Last week’s podcast, and article, was entitled, “The Five Parts of Tyranny in America?”  In that podcast, I looked at the five parts of the definition of tyranny to see how many of those 5 tyranny requirements have been met in America.  Sadly, the answer is all five parts have been met and it’s proper to say we are currently operating under a tyrannical government.  Notice the word “tyrannical” is in the above definition of oppression.


Let’s break down the rest of the definition of the word oppression to see if we are currently being oppressed in America.  Is power being exercised arbitrarily?  In other words, determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle.  In many ways, our government is acting arbitrarily.  The obvious example would be our government’s reaction to Covid 19, which isn’t based on science or reason, but rather it is based on the ever-changing opinions of a group of leaders within our government such as Dr. Fauci and supported by people with a political agenda that is steering our country towards socialism.

In the state of New York, a Democrat has proposed a bill that would detain anyone that the governor, or a health official, deems may be a health threat.  Those detained would be placed in detention facilities, which in effect means they would be placed under arrest and lose their freedom.  That is a direct threat against anyone who dares choose for themselves whether a vaccine is worth the risk.  Never mind that I know more people who have died from the vaccine than died from Covid.  Never mind that people who have been vaccinated are still getting Covid and it appears they may also be spreading it.

If you Google when the spike began, the left says it began when the restrictions were lifted.  That is a good example of how the left spins the news and shapes public opinion.  The restrictions were lifted when the vaccine became available.  Before the vaccine Covid cases had been going down, but after the vaccine cases begin to rise.  What changed?  Was it the removal of restrictions, or has the vaccine been spreading the virus?  Since the vaccinated are getting Covid at an alarming rate, I would venture that the vaccinated may well be spreading the virus.  Would the media report that information?  With their track record, the answer is no.

Equal Justice Under the Law?

The mere fact that opposing scientific opinions are being censored is enough of an example of oppression, but there is more.  Are we being oppressed in ways other than Covid 19?  Do we have equal justice under the law?  Nearly all the rioters in Democrat-controlled cities that burned down neighborhoods, looted businesses, and killed people, were set free after arrest and not held accountable for their actions.  All with the blessing of the media who never questioned those unjust actions.  However, the January 6th riot in Washington D.C. was a different story, because those people were considered to be Trump supporters, so many of them remain in jail to this day and there are credible reports of mistreatment for those people, many of whom were arrested for simply being there.  Read this article by Tucker Carlson.

The first part of the definition of oppression, “Exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; tyrannical,” has been met.  What about the second part which reads, “Difficult to cope with; causing hardship or depressed spirits.”  What has happened to the suicide rate since the government began oppressing people in the name of public health?  Here is an article that sites the CDC and what they have to say about the subject.

Use your own observations.  People seem to be on edge.  People wearing masks look at those who don’t and think they’re horrible people that don’t care about the health of others.  People without masks look at those with masks and think they’re misguided people who don’t care about liberty.  No matter which side you’re on, masked or unmasked, you don’t like seeing the other when you’re out and about.

Fear Mongering

All this fear has been created and sustained by the news media and the Democrat Party which is using that fear to oppress those who don’t follow the Democrat Party line.  Republicans even participate in this charade of fear!  If you are one of the fearful people, I want you to try something.  It might be hard at first because the Democrats, media, and big tech are censoring information that does not agree with their beliefs.  However, the truth is still out there.  Look for information that contradicts what the left says and find out why I call what is going on now a charade of fear.

Liberty does not cause depression and hardships.  Liberty is not difficult to cope with.  Liberty is not arbitrary because it is based on equal justice and reasoned principles.  Liberty is about being free from government coercion.  Liberty is about being allowed to question the government and even oppose it if it is acting in an oppressive tyrannical way.

“If I lose my health, just like over 99% of Covid patience who have recovered, I can recover my health.  However, if I lose my liberty it is doubtful I will ever recover it!”

What good is health if you surrender your liberties to those who can take your health away?  I love my health and I also love my liberty.  If I lose my health, just like over 99% of Covid patience who have recovered, I can recover my health.  However, if I lose my liberty it is doubtful I will ever recover it!

Eye Opening

In 1917 a people who never really had much freedom lost what little they had and it wasn’t until the 1990’s that they began recovering some of it.  In 1945 the people in the most populous nation on earth lost what little freedoms they had and they’ve not recovered it to this day.  Liberty, once lost may be lost forever.

Liberty is worth defending.  Liberty is worth fighting for.  Liberty is even worth dying for.  Let not your generation be known for losing the freedom millions have died to defend over the last few centuries.  Open your eyes to the truth you see around you, and not the lie being fed to you by the media.

The Five Parts of Tyranny in America?

The left often changes the meaning of words to disguise their actions.  You know, words like family, gender, and marriage.  Then there are words like “awesome” that used to mean, “causing feelings of great admiration, respect or fear.”  source 

However, today the word awesome has been watered down so much that people say their hot dog was awesome.  The word awesome is not as awesome as it used to be.

This brings me to a word being tossed around today in America that I’ve not before heard to describe our own government.  The word I’m hearing today is tyranny.  Some people are saying that our current government is starting to act tyrannically. Just what is tyranny and is there justification in using that word to describe what is currently happening in America?  Is it being used properly, or has its meaning nearly been lost like it has for the word awesome?

Tyranny Defined

Here is the Legal Dictionary’s definition of the word tyranny.  “Tyranny is generally accepted as a severe form of government that is led by an incompetent leader who is both cruel and oppressive. These leaders are known as “tyrants,” and an example of tyranny is a government that controls its citizens with fear. As a result of being otherwise unfit to lead, the ruler may attempt to keep his power by becoming increasingly cruel and authoritarian toward his nation’s citizens, infringing upon their rights in the process.  To explore this concept, consider the following tyranny definition.  The original, historical definition of tyranny referred to a ruler (“tyrant”) who was not legitimate, according to the law or tradition of the country. In other words, he did not properly come into the line of rule….”  Source

Revolutionary Insights

Using that definition let’s see if what is going on in American can really be deemed tyranny.  First, is Joe Biden a legitimate President?  The left and the media say he is and tries to silence anyone who says different.  They block investigations and refuse to turn over potential evidence even when subpoenaed.  Those actions do absolutely nothing to cause those that believe fraud may have occurred to believe otherwise.

On the other hand, those that stayed up and watched on election night knew something might have been amiss when counting stopped in key Democrat cities and states in the wee hours of the morning.  Then, when we saw massive ballot dumps for Joe Biden at those very same times, a ballot dump that closed the gap where he had been so far behind, it causes any thinking person to question the legitimacy of this past Presidential election.  As evidence has mounted, I believe it’s appropriate to question the legitimacy of the election.  Therefore, that part of the definition of tyranny has been met.

What about the incompetent part of that definition.  Is Joe Biden incompetent?  The very inability of the man to at times put together coherent sentences supports that argument.  What just happened in Afghanistan would appear to any thinking person that short of treason, the only explanation is incompetence.  Therefore, that part of the definition has easily been met.

Is Joe Biden cruel and oppressive?  Is he physically torturing Americans?  Not in the traditional sense of Gulags and concentration camps.  Are American’s suffering physically as a result of his policies?  Yes, when you consider that he is pushing, and even looking to force, an unproven vaccine on people that is still in the experimental stage.  Many of those people who have been fully vaccinated are getting sick and some are even dying!

Revolutionary InsightsIs he being oppressive?  When he says he is looking for ways to limit travel and to punish people who do not do as he declares they need to do, then yes, that’s an example of oppression.  Are people who do not follow his dictates being threatened with possible job loss, or travel restrictions?  Again, the answer is yes.

Is Joe Biden trying to control the citizens of the United States with fear?  All you have to do is watch the Democrat news media to see how they are using the fear of Covid to control the population.  Is this a rational fear, or is it being manufactured by the Democrat-controlled government and media?  Anyone who looks at the scientific data and sources of information outside of the Democrat approved sources, knows this hysteria is being manufactured.

Better Dead than Red

Some people are saying our health is more important than our freedom.  Those are the same type of people who during the Cold War said “Better red than dead.”  Yes, some Americans, mainly within the Democrat Party, used to say that it would be better to live under communism than die fighting for freedom.  Thanks to Ronald Reagen we won the Cold War and not only do we still have our freedom but so do many other people who were once oppressed by Communism.  Once the government can take away your freedom in the name of health, they can also take away your health, and even life, in the name of the government.

Are our rights being infringed upon?  What about the right to make our own health decisions?  What about the right to eat at the restaurant of our choice?  What about the right to work?  What about the right to keep and bear arms?  What about the right to freedom of speech?

The government is talking about mandating the unproven Covid vaccine.  Therefore, taking the right to make our own health decisions.  Some Democrat governments have already ordered anyone not having a vaccine cannot eat in restaurants in their cities.  Biden stated he would like the unvaccinated restricted from crossing state lines.  The government has mandated those employed by them must take the Covid vaccine or lose their job.  The government has been infringing on our right to keep and bear arms for decades, and now Biden is wanting to infringe on that right even more!  What happens to those that question the government?  Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter ban them off their platforms.  Facebook “fact-checks” those who are not following the Democrat Party line.Revolutionary Insights

The Danger of One Party Rule

Are we in danger of falling under the rule of one man?  Is Joe Biden such a charismatic person, like Hitler or Mussolini, or Stalin, to become a dictator?  Obviously, the man doesn’t draw people toward him.  Are we then in danger of one-party rule, as was the case in the old Soviet Union?  That is a real danger because the Democrat Party is being led by others, not Joe Biden.

The Democrat Party is not the party it once was.  It’s not the party of Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Roosevelt, or John Kennedy.  The Party has morphed into a party of socialism.  Just like Communism and Fascism are forms of Socialism, so too is today’s modern Democrat Party.  They came to power illegitimately, they have manufactured a crisis to instill fear in people, and then told the people that only they can rid us of this crisis, all we have to do is do what they say and be willing to give up some of our freedoms for the good of everyone.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of tyranny.

So, what do we do about it?  What did the average people do when confronted with tyranny in 1775?  Did they protest?  Yes.  Did they petition their governments?  Yes.  Did the Pastors preach against the tyranny their congregations were experiencing?  Yes.  Did the British government listen to the patriots in America?  No, they weren’t looked at as patriots by the enemies of freedom.  Today, the Democrats have turned the word patriot into a word to describe their enemy.

The tyrants of 1775 hated patriots just like the tyrants of 2021 hate patriots.  The tyrants of 1775 tried to deny the patriots of 1775 their freedom by force.  First, by forcing us to pay unjust taxes, then by military force.  The tyrants of 2021 are also trying to deny our freedoms by force.  First, by mandating an unproven and apparently dangerous vaccine with the threat of punishment if we choose not to accept the government decree.  What happens when the government decides to use the military or law enforcement against us?

It’s time to draw a line and say this far and no further.

Standing Up to a Bully

When I was growing up bullies were a way of life.  I wish I didn’t have to admit this, but I was bullied during the first two years of high school.  I had just moved to Florida, and I was in culture shock.  I had gone from a small farm in an unincorporated community in West Virginia to what I thought was a large city in Florida of around 34,000 people of various cultures.  All I wanted was to be invisible for those first two years.

By the time I got to college in West Virginia, I was over being bullied and so when one of my roommates tried it I didn’t take kindly to it at all.

Then, in the ’90s campaigns against bullying started in public schools where it was pronounced bad and government money began pouring in to combat it.  Has bullying stopped?  No, but at least people feel better about themselves for having tried to stop it.

Who is Teaching our Kids Bullying is Okay?

Why hasn’t it stopped?  There are several reasons, but I’m going to focus on one that is happening on such a large scale it goes beyond our public schools.  Not only are we teaching our kids to bully, but we’re enabling them and justifying it.

Revolutionary Insights - Standing Up to a BullyFirst, let’s define bullying.  Wikipedia is not always the best source of information, but in this case, I think they defined bullying very well.  “Bullying is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception of an imbalance of physical or social power. This imbalance distinguishes bullying from conflict.”

Who is teaching our kids to be bullies?

Political Correctness is a form of bullying.  If a person comes out against what is termed by those culturally in power, Hollywood, the music industry, corporate media, and sadly even some churches, then the violators are subject to pressure and intimidation to conform.  As an example, what happens to people who say homosexuality is wrong?  They are called a name – homophobic and slandered as a bad person by those who like to make their sex life public, or support those who try to force their deviant sexual behavior on those of us who believe what God says about homosexuality.

What happens to a person who says that there are only two genders?  Something that was never questioned until the left decided we could be whatever gender we wanted to be.  We are called transphobic and ridiculed based not on science, but on their political opinion that is not supported by facts.

Hilary Clinton said the Democrats would only call for civility once they were back in power.  Well, they’re back in power because of what appears to be a massive amount of election fraud, but they’re still not being civil.  Instead, we are being bullied by the Democrats to accept their anti-Christian and anti-American vision for America where all those who disagree are being identified and vilified as enemies of the state.  Link

Using Covid to Bully People into Submission

The Covid vaccine is a great example of the left bullying anyone who chooses not to get the vaccine, for whatever reason.  The Biden Department of Justice, an oxymoron, has declared it is legal for the government and employers to force their workers to get the vaccine or be forced to be tested for Covid on a weekly basis.  Note that none of these vaccines have been fully approved by the government.  We are still in the testing phase and yet it’s okay to force people against their will to inject a vaccine into their bodies with no recourse if something goes wrong?!

I know of two people who were said to have died from Covid since the alleged pandemic began.  I know of three people who have allegedly died from the vaccine since it came out.  I know more people who have been sickened, some very serious, and for a longer period than anyone who actually had Covid.  I’m not talking just about elderly or chronically sick people either.  I’m talking about healthy people in their youth.Revolutionary Insights - Standing Up to a Bully

My wife has had allergic reactions to various medicines she has taken over the years.  What happens if her work requires her to get the vaccine?  If something goes wrong and she dies, what recourse do I have?  I have no recourse because these vaccines are still in the testing phase and since the government has not fully approved them, then I can’t sue the manufacturer or the government, or the employer who forced her to get the vaccine!

We are being bullied!  We are being ridiculed!  We are being threatened!  All in the name of protecting us and others from a virus that was greatly and purposely exaggerated and now they want us to take a vaccine that is killing people more often than the virus.  Link1  Link2

The media and the left now say there’s a Delta Variant that is surging, but why should I believe them when they have lied to me so often and they’ve been caught in their lies?!  (Previous Article on Abuse of Power)

They lied about the origin of the virus.

They lied about the number of cases.

They lied about the death toll of Covid.

They lied about the effectiveness of masks!

They lied about the effectiveness of vaccines!

They have been caught in so many lies, so now they want to force me to get a vaccine against my will!

At what point do we draw the line and stand up to these bullies and say, I will not be moved!

It is time to draw a line and say no more!  And if they try to use force, stand our ground.

Covid and the Mark of the Beast

If you are a Christian this should especially be important to you to stand your ground and say, “no more!”  There will come a time when, as it says in Revelation 13.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Do I believe that getting the vaccine is the same as taking the mark of the beast?  No, but it can be a good indicator of your willingness to concede your liberty to the spiritually wicked rulers in high places.

There is already talk of people having to prove they have the vaccine.  The only thing standing now between us being implanted with chips that contain our medical records (Including Covid-19 vaccine proof), as well as our banking numbers, is a good reason to get people to comply.  They have created an alleged health crisis on a global scale and people will do things out of health fears that they wouldn’t do for any other reason.

In the name of proving you’ve been vaccinated; so that you could then buy and sell and keep your job, would you allow yourself to be implanted with a chip to prove you’ve been vaccinated?  The day is coming when the consequence for not complying with the government is death.  What will you do?

The Difference Between Republicans and Democrats on Race

The Socialist Democrat Media, known as CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post, or anything self-proclaimed as mainstream media has defined anyone who opposes their political agenda as racist.

The Democrats have come up with what they call Critical Race Theory, which declares everyone a racist and that only government intervention can solve the problem.  A lot is said about CRT and there are a lot of good people exposing that horrible tool of the left to bring anyone who doesn’t agree with their agenda under the control of socialism until they either do agree or until they can force people to do as they’re told.

Since so many others are doing it, I’m not going to be talking about CRT today.  Instead, I’m going to let you know what conservatives really believe when it comes to race, instead of what the globalist socialists through their media and Hollywood, tell you we believe.

Foundation of Belief

As a conservative Christian who is registered as a Republican, I believe man and woman were created by God.  That includes all people with different traits that we know as the 3 different races commonly known as white, black, and Asian.  Jesus Christ died for everyone, white, black, and Asian.  God loves the entire human race, white, black, and Asian.  As Christians, we’re supposed to be Christ-like.  That means we are to love everyone regardless of their race, white, black, and Asian.

The Democrat Party either denies God or the power of God (Where’s the Party?), therefore, they base their beliefs on… what?  There is no foundation because they do what is right in their own eyes.  They are based on whatever they choose to believe.

Democrats Admit They’re Racists

Democrats are pushing this Critical Race Theory, which states that everyone is a racist, even if they claim otherwise.Revolutionary Insights  Therefore, by their own definition, Democrats are admitted racist even if they deny it.  Those admitted racists say only they can solve the problem of racism.  That’s like a kleptomaniac saying only he can stop people from stealing.  When an honest person who doesn’t steal says, I’m not a thief, the kleptomaniac says everyone is a thief, while he stuffs valuables into his pocket because that’s what a kleptomaniac does.


Republicans believe that a person should be judged based on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.  You know, just like Martin Luther King, Jr. said.  Maybe that’s why it was the Republicans that gave blacks the right to vote.  Maybe that’s why the first black Republican was elected to the Senate in 1871, while the first black Democrat to the Senate was elected in 1999.  The first 22 blacks elected to the House of Representatives were all Republicans.

Flipping the Script and Cutting Checks

So why is it that blacks vote Democrat, for the very people that denied them freedom and continue to keep them subject to a new master – government?  And it’s not just blacks that have been duped by the Democrat Party, but it’s whites also.  All in the name of helping the poor (Podcast – Are Democrats for the Poor and Republicans for the Rich?).  Here’s how the Democrats, the media, and now the globalist socialist, have enslaved black people to the government.  They said you are oppressed and if you vote for us we will give you the help, through the government, to overcome that oppression.  They then blamed the Republicans for oppressing the blacks when it was the Republicans that gave them their freedom and the right to vote, over the objections of the Democrats!

The Democrats were the oppressors, but once they realized that by giving government handouts they could buy votes, the Democrat Party launched the War on Poverty and started cutting checks.

The Republicans were the party of the individual and the American Dream, which said you could be anything you want through hard work and diligence.  The Democrats, on the other hand, said you can’t do it without our help.  Then, black leaders realized that they could take advantage of that cash cow by playing the Democrat game of lies and deceit to enrich themselves while their brothers became lost in the quagmire of government assistance which has caused so many problems for the black community.

When other black leaders come along, like Ben Carson, Larry Elder, and Candace Owens, they are vilified by the Democrats because they’re upsetting that cash cow and giving blacks hope in themselves and not in the government.

Culture and Not Race

The only differences between the races are the same ones that exist within the races – culture.  Matt Damon, the actor, recently expressed surprise for how different oil workers who grew up and lived in Oklahoma were, as compared to where he grew up in Boston.  Same race, different cultures.  He discovered that Trump supporters weren’t all evil people wanting Trump to lead a Nazi dictatorship, as the Democrat Socialist Media constantly inferred.

Revolutionary InsightsThe point is, Republicans, want to judge people based on the content of their character and that we all are created equal, meaning there shouldn’t be any hindrances or advantages given to people based on race.

On the other hand, Democrats want us to judge people based on the color of their skin and to give some races advantages over others through government mandates, which is the very definition of racism.

Have you Been Duped?

All Democrats can do is claim Republicans are racist without any proof or evidence.  On the other hand, Republicans can prove Democrats are racists, even if they hadn’t already admitted it, which they do in their very own Critical Race Theory where it says everyone is a racist!  If you didn’t already know that, maybe you should consider another source of information besides the socialist Democrat media of CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post.

Incidentally, that is where your local paper and news outlets get their information.

We’re not the evil racists that the left, Democrats and the Socialist Media says we are.  If you believe we are, then you’ve been duped.  If you think I’m wrong, then look it up yourself in places you don’t normally get your information.  You’ll discover a whole new world where truth exists and all lives matter.

The Coming Civil War?

Some people say that they sense another civil war coming on in America.  Could it really happen?  How far can patriotic Americans be pushed until they push back?  How great is the divide between Democrats and Republicans?  Are we headed toward a second American Revolution where instead of fighting to gain liberty, we are fighting to retain liberty?

Since the founding of this nation, we have been a two-party system with the occasional third party that has come along with what is usually a popular issue that isn’t being addressed by either party.  If you listen to the political parties and the media, no matter when in history that we weren’t fighting a common enemy, one would think the union was about to dissolve.

It almost did in the 1860s when the divisive issue was state’s rights as magnified by the slavery issue.  A war was fought and after 4 years the union was preserved through force of arms.  Some people say that another war is brewing in America and that’s it’s not too far off.  However, this time the issue is preserving liberties guaranteed in the Constitution, including the very freedoms this country was founded upon.Revolutionary Insights

God has given me certain gifts, but the gift of prophecy, seeing the future, is not one of them.  However, I do have the power of observation and years of practice seeing historical patterns that then can lead to an educated guess on what may be coming around the corner.

Political Parties

Therefore, let’s look at this one issue at a time and see what we can figure out.  We’ll begin with the state of the political parties.  As I mentioned above, our political parties have been battling it out ever since Jefferson and Hamilton, in Washington’s cabinet, disagreed with the other on certain issues.

Those days weren’t all about division, though.  Both parties had the same Biblical Worldview until the progressive movement began in the 1880s when progressives began to change the Biblical Worldview into a Humanistic one.  That Humanistic philosophy found a home in the Democrat Party, while the Republican Party has stayed true to the Biblical Worldview.

The change was at the first an economic one, as the Democrats began favoring the economics of socialism and the Republicans continued to espouse the economics of capitalism.  The New Deal is a great example of Democrat socialist economic thought.  (Incidentally, the New Deal didn’t get us out of the Great Depression, WWII did.)

Revolutionary Insights

April 8, 1966

In the 1960s the Democrats shifted their focus to include opposition to biblical morality to be replaced with situational ethics.  That’s when drugs began invading, first-our campuses and then our homes.  The sexual revolution was glorified and headlines began to read, “God is Dead.”

Foreign policy differences are just as stark.  America’s enemy at the time was the Soviet Union.  Democrats seemed to fear America as much as they did the USSR.  The chant from the left was “Better Red than Dead.”  Meaning, better to be a communist and alive than a patriot and dead.  The foreign policy of the Democrats, which was also favored by the media, was known by the acronym  M.A.D. or Mutually Assured Destruction.  If anyone recalls, that was the premise of the 80’s movie, “War Games” with Matthew Broderick.

Republican foreign policy was “Peace through Strength,” in the words of Ronald Reagan.  It was that policy that led directly to the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.  The Republicans under Reagan built up the military, which forced the USSR to try and keep pace, but the Republicans had an unfair advantage over the Soviet Union – capitalism. Soviet socialist policies could not keep pace with America’s capitalist policies and the people behind the Iron Curtain were yearning for freedom.  That combination led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War.

A New Enemy

Our two political parties no longer had a common enemy, and just as the Democrats were just as afraid of America during the Cold War, now that we had won their fear of their own country remained.  They had to find a new enemy and they found that new enemy in the Republican Party which still held to, in their opinion, the wrong economic system (capitalism) and the wrong morality (Biblical).

The focus of the Democrat Party was then turned inward to fight the evils, as they saw them, at home.  When the terrorist attacked, Democrat leadership blamed America.  You may recall Obama going on his World Apology tour where he told world leaders America was the problem and he would change that.

Then along came Trump and said, “America First.”  The Democrats’ hatred for Trump was unlike anything we have ever seen before.  Their contempt for a man who put America first held to traditional values and personified capitalism was more than they could take.  Therefore, they had to get rid of him however they could.  They tried the Russia hoax but failed because it was a, well, a hoax.  They tried the Ukraine phone call but failed because their own Vice-President at the time had actually done what they accused Trump of doing.

They then had to make sure he was not reelected, but that would be difficult to pull off since he was so popular with American’s unaffected by the power of the media, which was most of them.  Therefore, they rigged the election, and ever since then, they’ve been fighting like mad to prevent investigations and recounts.  However, we have the evidence.

Their enemy is not socialist, they are socialist!  Their enemy is not radical Islam, they believe America created radical Islam due to our pro-Israel stance, which is rooted in our Biblical heritage, which they consider evil.  The enemy is not China, after all, China is a socialist country.

To the Democrats, the enemy is much closer to home.  The great enemy of the Democrat Party is the Republican Party, and in particular, conservative Christians who follow God’s Word and who love their country.  Since the Democrat Party believes Republican conservatives are their biggest enemy, would they resort to violence to get their way?  The answer to that is an obvious yes as evidenced by the riots and their own rhetoric.

Are the differences in the political parties enough to lead to a future civil war?  The evidence would suggest yes.

Next week we’ll look at the issue of the Constitution, followed by its first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights.

The Mantle of Freedom

I have a story I want to share with you about an Uncle who is a veteran of the United States Army.  He served a tour in Vietnam as a gunner in a chopper, I assume the kind that you see in the movie, “Apocalypse Now.”  He saw things over there that gave him PTSD and it’s been something he has dealt with since he returned.  The point is, he served his country and put his life on the line to ensure freedom for himself and his children.

Three years ago, his family put him in a Veterans Administration Long Term Care facility because they could no longer give him the type of care he needed.  It has now been over a year since they have been allowed to see him, or he them.  My cousin recently got a concession from the facility, and this is what the government allowed this army veteran and his family.

  • Only one visitor per visit over the age of 18
  • Visits are only allowed on Tuesdays between 8 am to 2 pm
  • Visits are limited to 25 minutes

Having previously worked in the prison system in both Florida and West Virginia, these are the types of restrictions used for inmates with one exception, the restrictions for prisoners were not as harsh.

Yet, he is now being held prisoner in the very same facility that was supposed to care for him.  He is not allowed to leave, nor has anyone been allowed to visit him in over a year.  Is that the freedom he fought for?  His children have tried valiantly to be allowed by our government to see their father.  That same father had fought for their freedom, but they were repeatedly denied their request all in the name of protecting people from Covid because we are not as smart as the experts who tell us how to live our lives.

What is the purpose of these continued mask mandates, social distancing, vaccinations, and the threat of travel bans if we cannot prove we’ve had a vaccination for Covid-19?  The official government narrative, and since the Democrats have seized power, that includes the media narrative, is that Covid 19 has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, and it is a pandemic to be feared and that only experts in the government can protect us from this deadly virus.  Therefore, since they know best, they must protect us now and in the future.

That protection includes the mandates and restrictions we have been dealing with for over a year.  We have all been affected in negative ways by these restrictions and I argue that there have been no positive benefits from this government interference in our lives.  If you think that a positive benefit has been the saving of lives or the slowing down of the spread of Covid-19, then you will want to finish reading if you value truth.

I hope you value the truth.  I hope you’re not the kind of person who prefers to accept whatever you’ve been told by “experts” because you don’t want people to think you’re dumb or a crackpot.  Have you ever noticed how often “experts” are wrong?  What happens when “experts” disagree?  Who do you believe then?

A good rule of thumb for who to believe, is to ask yourself, is one trying to shut the other one up, or are they defending their position with facts and analysis?

Most likely, you’ve only heard one side of the story, though.  The side that is given to us by a government that has slowly been encroaching on our freedoms for decades.  Now, they have picked up the pace and taken advantage of what amounts to a strain of the flu that was manufactured in a lab in China and released on the world, and here in the United States, our government has taken advantage of a created health crisis to instill fear and to prepare us for the subjugation that some within the government have been planning.

Let’s take a look at the truth.  The death toll credited to Covid has been greatly exaggerated because the CDC created a new measuring stick to measure Covid deaths over the criteria they had been using over the previous 17 years.  The reason they chose to count deaths differently is that if they had been counted based on the previous criteria, the death rate would only be 6% of what the numbers currently say.  Those numbers would not reach the level of a pandemic that was needed by the globalist plan of creating a socialist society by 2030.  Including in the United States!

Covid 19 is a great example of how Democrats and the media are misleading the American people in favor of their own leftist agenda of forcing their globalist (a mixture of Communism and Fascism) goals on the American people.  There was an article on “The Gateway Pundit” by Joe Holt from a few days ago I would like to cite and discuss.

The article begins by claiming masks are dangerous and cites studies by dentists, doctors, health organizations, and even the Mayo Clinic.  Masks are associated with self-contamination because the virus is trapped within the nasal passage.  Masks also hold in moisture, which increases your chances of coming down with bacterial pneumonia.

Masks are even toxic, including cloth masks, because they contain and are made from chemicals and fibers that if breathed in on a regular basis can lead to health issues unrelated to Covid-19.  Carefully read this quote from a CDC-funded report from May 2020, “There were 17 eligible studies.…None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask respirator use and protection against influenza infection,” states a research review in the journal Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. The data is in, and it shows that infections rose at the same or at an increased rate after mask mandates were instituted!”

Every time, to my knowledge, that the courts have taken up the issue of the governor’s powers to repeatedly issue 60 days emergency rules that limit people’s freedoms, the court rules those mandates to be unconstitutional.  Yet, the left continues to enact what has proven to be unconstitutional rules on the people.  That should give you a clue as to what the Democrats think about the constitution.

Facemasks don’t work and the government knows this.  So why do they continue to pressure and force the American People to wear masks?  It’s a matter of control and getting the people to accept that control, to the point where businesses go bankrupt, we lose our homes and jobs, and we’re not allowed to even visit our elderly parents!  Not even the ones who risked their lives fighting against just the kind of governments that are doing what the Democrat governors and our Democrat President are forcing on us.

It’s time we take a stand as Americans and refuse to comply with the tyrannical and unamerican policies of the Democrats. As Thomas Jefferson said, “When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”

Let’s begin by calling these masks what they really are.  They are submission rags designed to begin the process of making the American people used to the idea of giving up our personal freedoms for the alleged good of the group.  That, my friends, is the definition of socialism and socialism is exactly what our soldiers have been fighting against ever since WWII.  Our fathers and grandfathers fought against foreign enemies, but as the oath to the constitution says, “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”  It’s now time we take up the fight for our fathers and grandfathers and fight those domestic enemies working to destroy our constitution.  The mantle of freedom has fallen to us!

A Tale of Power

The last four years, when Donald Trump was President of the United States, the media often tried to paint him as a danger because they claimed he wanted to be a dictator and those on the left who fall in line with the Democratic talking points without pause, chimed in and called him a Hitler that was trying to seize power and become a dictator.

Let us pause, step back, and discover what we can by observation of how both parties behave when it comes to using their power to dictate to the people.  By observation of actual events and evidence of rules made and powers invoked, as opposed to mere rhetoric, we can arrive at the truth.


Now that Biden has assumed the office of President, lawfully or not, we at least have his record to compare to Trump and Obama’s records while they held the office.

When it comes to the constitution, rhetoric says that both parties and their leaders esteem the constitution and reverence it.  What do the actions say?

President Trump recognized the division of powers provided for in the constitution between the three branches of government and who shares power between the federal and state governments, plus the people.  When riots and violence erupted in cities across our country, Trump left it up to the local authorities to bring the rioters under control instead of issuing emergency orders and activating the military to do what local government would not.  However, did you notice that the cities that were greatly affected were run by Democrat leaders, whereas, Republican cities were relatively free of violence?

Why was that the case?  The left would argue that Republicans use strong-arm tactics to put down peaceful demonstrations and are racists to boot.  Is that the case, or is there a better and more truthful explanation?  Peaceful demonstrations do not leave billions of dollars worth of damage, burned cities, and dead bodies in their wake.  Republicans believe the main purpose of government is to protect them when they cannot protect themselves.  The riots of 2020 are a prime example of this.

Why then did the Democrats allow their cities to burn?  The Democrat Party has painted themselves into a corner in their effort to transform the country into a socialist utopia.  To achieve this they must sow division and make people believe they are victims of the system, which they define as the Judeo-Christian ethic and conservatism.  By allowing wrongly defined victims to riot, they sow division and encourage an overthrow of the existing order, which as defined by the constitution, is conservative and based on the Judeo-Christian ethic.  Order is kept by law enforcement; therefore, law enforcement must be demonized as an oppressor to spark violence and confrontation.


When Obama was President he blamed law enforcement for the riots in places like Ferguson, Missouri.  The truth was the opposite of what the media and Obama said it was.  That is the fact.  Biden continues to turn a blind eye to riots and violence, not because of any belief that it is the responsibility of local government to maintain order, but because those riots and violence serve a purpose for the Democrat Party.  That is why he tries to maintain silence on the topic.

Another way of determining who is more apt to abuse power, the Democrats or Republicans, is to look at how Governors and other officials handled the Covid-19 panic.  The Democrat governors responded with emergency orders that enslaved the people to such restrictions that businesses failed, mental health declined, and people were prevented from making a living for their families.  The courts consistently ruled that the policies of Democrat governors were unconstitutional, but that did not prevent them from seeking other ways to keep their draconian policies in effect.

Look at this quote from the governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer.  “We need this transition period to protect the 830,000 Michigan workers and families who are depending on unemployment benefits to pay their bills and put food on the table, and to protect Michiganders everywhere who are counting on their leaders to protect them.”  https://www.mlive.com/public-interest/2020/10/are-michiganders-still-living-under-coronavirus-orders-gov-whitmer-asks-supreme-court-to-clarify.html

Let’s break down that quote to see the difference between what conservatives believe and the left.  The transition period she is talking about is the period of time between when her actions are called unconstitutional and when she will accept the court’s ruling.  To a conservative, no transition period is needed when her actions have already been declared illegal.  She is defying the courts and saying that her actions, although illegal, are needed.  That sounds more like a dictator than anything Trump ever did.

She then called the 830,000 people affected by her illegal orders “workers.”  Have you ever noticed how often Democrats use the language of the communist manifesto?  People are not workers, they’re people!  She said those “workers” were depending on the government to put food on the table, all the while those people would prefer to work to put food on their tables by their own efforts and not be dependent on the government.  A condition which was created by Mrs. Whitmer!

She then goes on to say that the reason her illegal directives were needed was to protect Michiganders everywhere from Covid-19.  Implying that people are not able to protect themselves and they need their government leaders to protect them from what has turned out to be nothing more than a bad strain of the flu.  The numbers do not support the panic hoisted on America from a media creating a crisis and a political party who would use that manufactured panic to oust a President they hated.


In actions, Trump did not abuse his power.  Everything he did was within the constitution and he never failed to honor the verdict of a court.  He used the courts if he thought they were wrong, but he never did what the Democrats have done across the nation by trying to keep their illegal directives in place even after declared unconstitutional.

One last thing to look at is the use and abuse of executive orders. The closest thing America has to dictatorial power from our President is the use of the executive order which he can issue directly, effectively making laws outside the authority of the legislative branch.  Here are the numbers for the last six Presidents in their first month in office.  The higher the number, the more they have used this near-dictatorial power.

  • Biden (D) – 22
  • Trump (R) – 7
  • Obama (D) – 9
  • G. W. Bush (R) – 2
  • Clinton (D) – 2
  • G. H. Bush (R) – 1
  • Reagan (R) – 1

Tell me again which President and which party uses more executive orders to circumvent the legislative branch?  The 4 Republicans used a total of 11 while the 3 Democrats used a whopping 33 executive orders!  That averages 2.75 for Republicans and 11 for Democrats.  Incidentally, the record holder for the numb er of executive orders in his term belongs to Democrat Franklin Roosevelt who issued 3,728 in his nearly 12 years in office!  https://www.westernjournal.com/bidens-executive-order-numbers-compare-last-6-predecessors/

Therefore, which party based on the riots, Covid-19, and Executive orders is more likely to wield their power haphazardly and in dictatorial fashion?  The Democrat Party has by far demonstrated a more dangerous abuse of power and a greater willingness to ignore the constitution.

My Encounter with an Angry Black Man

As I was walking back to my house the weekend before Inauguration Day 2021, my neighbor from across the street and a block south, called out to me, so I crossed over to talk with him.  As we were talking I heard a voice behind me say gruffly, “How are you?”

I know that was a question and I was supposed to write “he asked gruffly,” but his tone was more a formality than a question.  I turned, smiled, and said, “I’m doing just fine!  How are you?”  My exuberance was at a higher level than usual, which surprised me since I’m usually more subdued by nature.

The gruff man was wearing a white hoodie that he had pulled up over his head, baggy pants, and a rather disheveled look in the manner he was wearing his clothes and the way his shoulders were stooped over.  He was a dark skin black man, maybe in his late 30’s, who had a weathered look and a scraggly beard which appeared to only grow from his chin.

As he passed behind me on the sidewalk he uttered, “Not too good.”

So, naturally, I asked, “What’s wrong?”

He stopped a few feet past me, turned half-way toward me and while looking down said, “I’m surprised you asked me that.”

I laughed and asked, “Why would you be surprised I asked you that?”

He hesitated, then replied, “Because I’m black.”

I once again laughed and said, “What?  I wasn’t supposed to ask because I’m white?”

“Well, I didn’t think you would.”

“What makes you think I wouldn’t care how you’re doing?  just because you’re black and I’m white?”  He didn’t immediately respond so I asked another question.  “Are you buying into what the media is telling you, that there’s a big racist divide in this country and white people don’t like black people?”

He nodded his head “Yes,” and said, “It’s a crazy world.  Kids are killing their parents and burning things down and lying about people.”

I responded by agreeing and added, “It sounds to me like you’ve bought into to some of those lies.  I’ll tell you who’s lying to you, it’s whatever your source of information is that is telling you white people are against black people.”

He continued standing with his head down, so I asked, “What’s your source of information?  Where are you getting this?”

He said that he got his news from his phone and I recognized his “Breaking News” source came straight from an Apple app.  He was listening to the liberal news media and he was an angry black man.  “Let me tell you what the truth is.  Do you think I’m a racist?”

He looked at me, still with that anger in his eyes and replied, “Well, you’re white and I’m black.”

I laughed and said, “We live in a mixed neighborhood.  If I was a racist would I choose to live in a mixed neighborhood?”  I then pointed to the neighbor I had been talking to and asked, “Would he live in a mixed neighborhood if he was a racist?”

His countenance softened and he said, “Probably not.”

“No, we’re not the ones lying to you.  The media is lying to you.  Why do I think the media is lying to you?”

He looked at me and said, “I don’t know.”

“I’ll tell you why, but first let me ask you a question.”  He nodded and so I continued, “Do you think Donald Trump is a racsist?”

“I don’t know,” he answered and I could tell he was listening instead of reacting to it with the anger he had been displaying just a few moments before.

“The left loves to say Donald Trump is a racist and so are the people who voted for him.  Where do they get that?  Did he win some kind of award for being a racsist?  No, but he did win some awards for helping the black community.  He used to be ‘loved’ by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson before he was President.  So what changed?  I could prove more easily that Joe Biden is a racist than I can Donald Trump, so why then would the Democrats and the media, which supports them, lie to you about us?”

He looked at me and asked, “Why?”

I said, “Have you ever heard the term, divide and conquor?”  He nodded that he had.  “That’s why.  They’re trying to divide us so they can conquor us.”

The conversation continued in a political vein as I told him what conservatives really believed, as opposed by what the media and Democrats say we believe.  After all, they’re two very different beleifs.  As I did so he said, “You’ve opened my eyes to some things.”

“I’ve opened your eyes to the truth and you recognize truth when you finally hear it.”

The neighbor excused himself and went back inside.  When he did so, the formerly angry black man introduced himself as Mr. Hubbard, so I gave him our names and shook his hand and said, “See, I’m not afraid to touch you because you’re black or because of Covid.  I’m not afraid of either.”  For the first time, I saw a hint of a smile cross his face.  He told me his story at that point, about having been in a gang in his youth and how he had been recently falsley accused by a woman of holding a knife to her throat.

I told him, “Then you understand what it is to be falsley accused.”

He responded by saying, “Yes, like Trump and Jesus.”

By this point I had determined not to be distracted by politics.  I said, “There’s something much more important I need to tell you about that is a lot more important than politics.”  I then asked, “If you were to die today and stand before God and he were to ask you, ‘Why should I let you into my heaven?,’ what would you say?”

He hesitated and said, “I’d tell God that I hoped he’d let me in because I know I don’t deserve it, but I’d hope he’d let me in because I really want to do good.”

With understanding and compassion I replied, “That won’t work because you can’t be good enough and all God will see is your sin.  It only takes one to keep you out, and my guess is you’ve committed more than one.”

He nodded and said, “I used to be in gang and so I did a lot of things I shouldn’t have.”

I asked, “Would you like to know that when you die and stand before God, that you have the right answer and that you can know you will be accepted into heaven?”

“Yes I would.”

“You’ve already admitted you’re a sinner and that you don’t deserve to get into heaven, and that’s the hardest part for people to admit.  So, you’ve already done the hardest part.  Now all you have to do is to ask God to forgive you of all those sins and put your complete faith in Jesus Christ who died and paid for those sins on the cross so that when you stand before God he doesn’t see your sin, but instead he sees the righteousness of Christ, who is God, and his blood covers your sins.”

I asked, “What is the most precious substance on earth?”  He responded, “water?”  I said, “The most precious substance is blood.  Without blood you can’t live.  Once you’re saved, when you get to heaven and God looks at you he doesn’t see your sin because it’s covered by the blood of his son and he only sees the rightousness of Jesus Christ.  That way, he can let you into his heaven.”

I then paused and asked, “Would you like to be saved?”

Without hesitating he said, “Yes, I would.”

I said, “I’ll pray first and then you pray.  These aren’t the words of some kind of magic formula.  All that is required for you to be saved is for you sincerely believe that you’re a sinner and confess that to God when you pray.  Then ask him to forgive you and save you so that when you die you will go to heaven based on what Christ did for you on the cross and not because of anything you’ve done.  Do you understand?”

He once again nodded so I prayed a brief prayer in which I once again went over the plan of salvation as given in the Bible.  That if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrightousness.  I emphasized that it’s important to be sincere and not to pray hoping for a sugar daddy, or because we want anything more than salvation.

It then became his turn to pray and he prayed one of the most powerful prayers I have ever heard.  I listened carefully to make sure that he understood salvation and the importance of asking forgiveness and asking Jesus Christ to save him from his sins.

He did so.

The anger was gone.  It had been replaced by a joy that is only understood by those who have prayed that same sinner’s prayer and been sincere.

He thanked me for opening his eyes and we talked for a bit more about the importance of getting into a good Bible believeing church so he could grow in knowledge of who God really is.  Just like in politics, find out what people believe and not what the enemies of those people say they believe.  Find out what God says about salvation and who he is, not what his enemies say about him.

The next time you encounter anger, counter that anger with God’s love.

Good News for Trump Supporters During This Crisis

By Bill Hawkins

Many conservatives are angry at what they see as an attack on the Trump economy.  The response to the COVID-19 virus is seen as an extreme overreaction that is unprecedented in our lifetime.  We conservatives do not trust the mainstream media, and so when they fan the flames of fear and panic that they have created, then in the immortal words of Patrick Henry, “I smell a rat.”

However, I come bearing good news.  Trump is going to defeat the Democrats at their own game! Once that dawned on me this morning, all my concerns about the economy and the Trump-bashing the media has been doing evaporated.  I’ll be glad to let you in on why I believe Trump will overcome and why this latest tactic by the media will fail, just as the Russia Hoax and Ukrainian Phone Call Fiasco failed.

Before I get to that, let me explain why we conservatives are upset at the media for this attack on our economy.  Did the Democrats create the COVID-19 virus and launch it against America?  No.  Do conservatives not care what happens to people who contract the virus?  Of course, we care.  If we care, then why are we upset at the response to this crisis?

To answer that question, let’s look at this crisis in the context of history.  I used to tell my students in the classroom that whenever the media starts crying “crisis,” we as Americans need to do two things.  First, grab your wallet because someone is after your money.  Second, protect your freedoms because someone is after those freedoms.

How often does the media cry crisis?  They do it every chance they get because it makes them the center of attention, which in turn makes them money and gives them power.  Health issues are especially beneficial to them because everyone wants good health.  Since the media is over 90% liberal, and liberals seem to thrive on fear and emotion, then anything that might threaten their health instills a massive amount of fear into them.  Conservatives tend to be more optimistic and realistic; therefore, we don’t have that same level of fear.  I think it also has something to do with our faith.

So when news of this new virus from China reached us, we remembered the other outbreaks which originated in China and rightly became concerned.  However, the media doesn’t want us concerned, they want us glued to the TV.  So, they did what they do best.  They created a panic in this country like they do whenever there’s a shark attack.  After all, it means ratings.

Combine that penchant for overhyping with their total disdain of Trump, and conservatives get suspicious.  Before COVID-19 the media lamented that a strong economy was Trump’s greatest strength.  Some leftists even suggested that Democrats needed to do something to harm the economy so they could get rid of President Trump.  Do conservatives believe the media and Democrats would intentionally scare the public to the point it hurt our economy?  There’s no doubt they would do that.  Do conservatives believe that is what happened with COVID-19?  Yes!

The reason being, comparatively speaking, COVID-19 has been less dangerous than nearly all the other flu epidemics that have hit this country.  Don’t forget, between April 2009 and 2010, 12,469 people died from the H1N1 flu.  During that crisis, and the others before, or even after it, the response was not to shut down businesses and events.  People did what they could to protect themselves, but the economy was not attacked by closing down businesses or canceling events.  So, since this is unprecedented in our lifetime, it’s only natural that conservatives see this overreaction as an attack on Trump and his economy.

Also, during this flu season, there has been at least 22,000 deaths.  Compare that number to the 97 COVID-19 deaths reported by the CDC and you can see why we think the response is not proportionate to the actual threat.  Conservatives care about people.  Not only do we care about people’s physical health, but we also care about their financial health.

When Adam Silver, the left-wing Democrat Commissioner of the NBA shut down the season, it started a domino effect that has led to job losses and mass hysteria.  Was Silver politically motivated to shut down the NBA?  I believe it played a part in his decision.  His innate fear caused him to worry and his leftist beliefs made it a case of killing two birds with one stone.  After all, anything that hurts Trump, they would reason, helps them.

So why am I so optimistic that this media-manufactured hysteria is going to be good for Trump and backfire on the Democrats?  Because Trump is beating them at their own game.  What would be the Democrat’s response to COVID-19 had they been in power?  They would have used the power of the federal government to ease its impact.  That’s just what Trump is doing.  That’s why the governors of California and New York, two Democrat governors, praised his response.  Even Omar, the socialist Muslim congresswoman from Minnesota has praised the response of Trump.  He’s doing what they would have done, so now they can’t say vote for the Democrat because the Democrat will do things differently.

Does that mean Trump has caved to the Democrats?  No, not at all.  The difference between the Democrats and Trump is that Trump is a capitalist.  He created a booming economy by unshackling it from Democrat policies and he’ll do the same once this “crisis” is over.  What Trump has that the Democrats don’t is a belief in capitalism and that belief will save this country from total economic chaos and lead to his reelection come November.