

Adventure and excitement are waiting for you. This stirring account, based on actual events, revolves around the inner warfare raging within two men, exposing the harsh realities of the frontier while coating the sense with an aura of romance.

Ethan LeMaster is a worldly young man embarking on life from a difficult background that was not all that unusual on the frontier. He faces danger and adventure as a man uncertain of the future, in the same way, he faces his love for Sarah Fletcher, a beautiful girl whose fickleness disarms and confuses the otherwise confident Ethan.

Ethan’s best friend and mentor, Alexander Braxton, is a man in his mid-30’s with a wife and four children. Throughout the story, Alex struggles with what he knows is right and the desire for revenge, which sometimes seems to overwhelm him. Yet these struggles increase his faith and, in the end, make him a stronger man.

Prickett’s Fort is an adventure crammed with danger and suspense. Based on actual events, this novel paints a vivid picture of the frontier and the courageous people who pioneered a nation.

For a signed copy of Prickett’s Fort click on the Add to Cart button below.  $17.95




Far too many people think there is no difference between the Republican and Democrat Parties.  By the same token, far too many Christians support the party that attacks Christians and Christianity and pushes an agenda that violates each of the 10 commandments.  How can that be?  The only reasonable explanation of why a person would support the very same people who are working hard to destroy their faith is because they have been misled by the wolf who came in sheep’s clothing.

The Christian will find it helpful to better understanding why we can no longer remain ignorant about parties and come to understand that political involvement has now become a matter of self-defense.  In order to do that, it is imperative that Christians know which party supports the Word of God, and which rejects it.

The purpose of this book is to show the profound difference between the two major American political parties in relation to the Ten Commandments.  The reader will have no excuse once this book is read and will not be able to plead ignorance, or deception, anymore.

The book is currently available on Amazon, Nook, and other sites where ebooks can be found.  The ebook price is $6.99 or less. The print book will be $15.95 or less.

Click on Amazon below for the ebook.


Click on Nook below for paperback or ebook.


For a signed copy of Where’s the Party? click on the Add to Cart button below. $12.95


We often hear that David was a man after God’s own heart.  However, how can that be when David ordered a man loyal to him killed to cover up his crime of seducing the man’s wife?  Was lust the root cause of David’s great sin?  In Mr. Hawkins’ commentary on II Samuel, we see that David’s sin originated in his heart long before he stood on his roof and peered down at the bathing Bathsheba.  We discover the role that David’s house played in his sin, and how sin can originate in our hearts until we miss each warning God gives us along the way.  David’s great sin was not sudden and accidental, it had been growing in him over time until his ability to justify his sin was greater than his love for God.  Yet, God loved David in his imperfections, and our love for God will grow as he reveals himself to us in the book of II Samuel.

The book is available through Barnes & Noble as either a print book or ebook.  Click on Nook below for either the print book or ebook.  The print book is $15.95 or under and the ebook is $6.99 or under.


The book is available on Amazon as an ebook and it will soon be available as a print book on that site.  The Kindle edition is $6.99 and can’t be purchased by clicking on Amazon below.


For a signed copy of Inside the House of David click on the Add to Cart button below.  $15.95