The Mantle of Freedom

I have a story I want to share with you about an Uncle who is a veteran of the United States Army.  He served a tour in Vietnam as a gunner in a chopper, I assume the kind that you see in the movie, “Apocalypse Now.”  He saw things over there that gave him PTSD and it’s been something he has dealt with since he returned.  The point is, he served his country and put his life on the line to ensure freedom for himself and his children.

Three years ago, his family put him in a Veterans Administration Long Term Care facility because they could no longer give him the type of care he needed.  It has now been over a year since they have been allowed to see him, or he them.  My cousin recently got a concession from the facility, and this is what the government allowed this army veteran and his family.

  • Only one visitor per visit over the age of 18
  • Visits are only allowed on Tuesdays between 8 am to 2 pm
  • Visits are limited to 25 minutes

Having previously worked in the prison system in both Florida and West Virginia, these are the types of restrictions used for inmates with one exception, the restrictions for prisoners were not as harsh.

Yet, he is now being held prisoner in the very same facility that was supposed to care for him.  He is not allowed to leave, nor has anyone been allowed to visit him in over a year.  Is that the freedom he fought for?  His children have tried valiantly to be allowed by our government to see their father.  That same father had fought for their freedom, but they were repeatedly denied their request all in the name of protecting people from Covid because we are not as smart as the experts who tell us how to live our lives.

What is the purpose of these continued mask mandates, social distancing, vaccinations, and the threat of travel bans if we cannot prove we’ve had a vaccination for Covid-19?  The official government narrative, and since the Democrats have seized power, that includes the media narrative, is that Covid 19 has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, and it is a pandemic to be feared and that only experts in the government can protect us from this deadly virus.  Therefore, since they know best, they must protect us now and in the future.

That protection includes the mandates and restrictions we have been dealing with for over a year.  We have all been affected in negative ways by these restrictions and I argue that there have been no positive benefits from this government interference in our lives.  If you think that a positive benefit has been the saving of lives or the slowing down of the spread of Covid-19, then you will want to finish reading if you value truth.

I hope you value the truth.  I hope you’re not the kind of person who prefers to accept whatever you’ve been told by “experts” because you don’t want people to think you’re dumb or a crackpot.  Have you ever noticed how often “experts” are wrong?  What happens when “experts” disagree?  Who do you believe then?

A good rule of thumb for who to believe, is to ask yourself, is one trying to shut the other one up, or are they defending their position with facts and analysis?

Most likely, you’ve only heard one side of the story, though.  The side that is given to us by a government that has slowly been encroaching on our freedoms for decades.  Now, they have picked up the pace and taken advantage of what amounts to a strain of the flu that was manufactured in a lab in China and released on the world, and here in the United States, our government has taken advantage of a created health crisis to instill fear and to prepare us for the subjugation that some within the government have been planning.

Let’s take a look at the truth.  The death toll credited to Covid has been greatly exaggerated because the CDC created a new measuring stick to measure Covid deaths over the criteria they had been using over the previous 17 years.  The reason they chose to count deaths differently is that if they had been counted based on the previous criteria, the death rate would only be 6% of what the numbers currently say.  Those numbers would not reach the level of a pandemic that was needed by the globalist plan of creating a socialist society by 2030.  Including in the United States!

Covid 19 is a great example of how Democrats and the media are misleading the American people in favor of their own leftist agenda of forcing their globalist (a mixture of Communism and Fascism) goals on the American people.  There was an article on “The Gateway Pundit” by Joe Holt from a few days ago I would like to cite and discuss.

The article begins by claiming masks are dangerous and cites studies by dentists, doctors, health organizations, and even the Mayo Clinic.  Masks are associated with self-contamination because the virus is trapped within the nasal passage.  Masks also hold in moisture, which increases your chances of coming down with bacterial pneumonia.

Masks are even toxic, including cloth masks, because they contain and are made from chemicals and fibers that if breathed in on a regular basis can lead to health issues unrelated to Covid-19.  Carefully read this quote from a CDC-funded report from May 2020, “There were 17 eligible studies.…None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask respirator use and protection against influenza infection,” states a research review in the journal Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. The data is in, and it shows that infections rose at the same or at an increased rate after mask mandates were instituted!”

Every time, to my knowledge, that the courts have taken up the issue of the governor’s powers to repeatedly issue 60 days emergency rules that limit people’s freedoms, the court rules those mandates to be unconstitutional.  Yet, the left continues to enact what has proven to be unconstitutional rules on the people.  That should give you a clue as to what the Democrats think about the constitution.

Facemasks don’t work and the government knows this.  So why do they continue to pressure and force the American People to wear masks?  It’s a matter of control and getting the people to accept that control, to the point where businesses go bankrupt, we lose our homes and jobs, and we’re not allowed to even visit our elderly parents!  Not even the ones who risked their lives fighting against just the kind of governments that are doing what the Democrat governors and our Democrat President are forcing on us.

It’s time we take a stand as Americans and refuse to comply with the tyrannical and unamerican policies of the Democrats. As Thomas Jefferson said, “When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”

Let’s begin by calling these masks what they really are.  They are submission rags designed to begin the process of making the American people used to the idea of giving up our personal freedoms for the alleged good of the group.  That, my friends, is the definition of socialism and socialism is exactly what our soldiers have been fighting against ever since WWII.  Our fathers and grandfathers fought against foreign enemies, but as the oath to the constitution says, “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”  It’s now time we take up the fight for our fathers and grandfathers and fight those domestic enemies working to destroy our constitution.  The mantle of freedom has fallen to us!

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