The Five Parts of Tyranny in America?

The left often changes the meaning of words to disguise their actions.  You know, words like family, gender, and marriage.  Then there are words like “awesome” that used to mean, “causing feelings of great admiration, respect or fear.”  source 

However, today the word awesome has been watered down so much that people say their hot dog was awesome.  The word awesome is not as awesome as it used to be.

This brings me to a word being tossed around today in America that I’ve not before heard to describe our own government.  The word I’m hearing today is tyranny.  Some people are saying that our current government is starting to act tyrannically. Just what is tyranny and is there justification in using that word to describe what is currently happening in America?  Is it being used properly, or has its meaning nearly been lost like it has for the word awesome?

Tyranny Defined

Here is the Legal Dictionary’s definition of the word tyranny.  “Tyranny is generally accepted as a severe form of government that is led by an incompetent leader who is both cruel and oppressive. These leaders are known as “tyrants,” and an example of tyranny is a government that controls its citizens with fear. As a result of being otherwise unfit to lead, the ruler may attempt to keep his power by becoming increasingly cruel and authoritarian toward his nation’s citizens, infringing upon their rights in the process.  To explore this concept, consider the following tyranny definition.  The original, historical definition of tyranny referred to a ruler (“tyrant”) who was not legitimate, according to the law or tradition of the country. In other words, he did not properly come into the line of rule….”  Source

Revolutionary Insights

Using that definition let’s see if what is going on in American can really be deemed tyranny.  First, is Joe Biden a legitimate President?  The left and the media say he is and tries to silence anyone who says different.  They block investigations and refuse to turn over potential evidence even when subpoenaed.  Those actions do absolutely nothing to cause those that believe fraud may have occurred to believe otherwise.

On the other hand, those that stayed up and watched on election night knew something might have been amiss when counting stopped in key Democrat cities and states in the wee hours of the morning.  Then, when we saw massive ballot dumps for Joe Biden at those very same times, a ballot dump that closed the gap where he had been so far behind, it causes any thinking person to question the legitimacy of this past Presidential election.  As evidence has mounted, I believe it’s appropriate to question the legitimacy of the election.  Therefore, that part of the definition of tyranny has been met.

What about the incompetent part of that definition.  Is Joe Biden incompetent?  The very inability of the man to at times put together coherent sentences supports that argument.  What just happened in Afghanistan would appear to any thinking person that short of treason, the only explanation is incompetence.  Therefore, that part of the definition has easily been met.

Is Joe Biden cruel and oppressive?  Is he physically torturing Americans?  Not in the traditional sense of Gulags and concentration camps.  Are American’s suffering physically as a result of his policies?  Yes, when you consider that he is pushing, and even looking to force, an unproven vaccine on people that is still in the experimental stage.  Many of those people who have been fully vaccinated are getting sick and some are even dying!

Revolutionary InsightsIs he being oppressive?  When he says he is looking for ways to limit travel and to punish people who do not do as he declares they need to do, then yes, that’s an example of oppression.  Are people who do not follow his dictates being threatened with possible job loss, or travel restrictions?  Again, the answer is yes.

Is Joe Biden trying to control the citizens of the United States with fear?  All you have to do is watch the Democrat news media to see how they are using the fear of Covid to control the population.  Is this a rational fear, or is it being manufactured by the Democrat-controlled government and media?  Anyone who looks at the scientific data and sources of information outside of the Democrat approved sources, knows this hysteria is being manufactured.

Better Dead than Red

Some people are saying our health is more important than our freedom.  Those are the same type of people who during the Cold War said “Better red than dead.”  Yes, some Americans, mainly within the Democrat Party, used to say that it would be better to live under communism than die fighting for freedom.  Thanks to Ronald Reagen we won the Cold War and not only do we still have our freedom but so do many other people who were once oppressed by Communism.  Once the government can take away your freedom in the name of health, they can also take away your health, and even life, in the name of the government.

Are our rights being infringed upon?  What about the right to make our own health decisions?  What about the right to eat at the restaurant of our choice?  What about the right to work?  What about the right to keep and bear arms?  What about the right to freedom of speech?

The government is talking about mandating the unproven Covid vaccine.  Therefore, taking the right to make our own health decisions.  Some Democrat governments have already ordered anyone not having a vaccine cannot eat in restaurants in their cities.  Biden stated he would like the unvaccinated restricted from crossing state lines.  The government has mandated those employed by them must take the Covid vaccine or lose their job.  The government has been infringing on our right to keep and bear arms for decades, and now Biden is wanting to infringe on that right even more!  What happens to those that question the government?  Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter ban them off their platforms.  Facebook “fact-checks” those who are not following the Democrat Party line.Revolutionary Insights

The Danger of One Party Rule

Are we in danger of falling under the rule of one man?  Is Joe Biden such a charismatic person, like Hitler or Mussolini, or Stalin, to become a dictator?  Obviously, the man doesn’t draw people toward him.  Are we then in danger of one-party rule, as was the case in the old Soviet Union?  That is a real danger because the Democrat Party is being led by others, not Joe Biden.

The Democrat Party is not the party it once was.  It’s not the party of Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Roosevelt, or John Kennedy.  The Party has morphed into a party of socialism.  Just like Communism and Fascism are forms of Socialism, so too is today’s modern Democrat Party.  They came to power illegitimately, they have manufactured a crisis to instill fear in people, and then told the people that only they can rid us of this crisis, all we have to do is do what they say and be willing to give up some of our freedoms for the good of everyone.  That, ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of tyranny.

So, what do we do about it?  What did the average people do when confronted with tyranny in 1775?  Did they protest?  Yes.  Did they petition their governments?  Yes.  Did the Pastors preach against the tyranny their congregations were experiencing?  Yes.  Did the British government listen to the patriots in America?  No, they weren’t looked at as patriots by the enemies of freedom.  Today, the Democrats have turned the word patriot into a word to describe their enemy.

The tyrants of 1775 hated patriots just like the tyrants of 2021 hate patriots.  The tyrants of 1775 tried to deny the patriots of 1775 their freedom by force.  First, by forcing us to pay unjust taxes, then by military force.  The tyrants of 2021 are also trying to deny our freedoms by force.  First, by mandating an unproven and apparently dangerous vaccine with the threat of punishment if we choose not to accept the government decree.  What happens when the government decides to use the military or law enforcement against us?

It’s time to draw a line and say this far and no further.

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