The Coming Civil War?

Some people say that they sense another civil war coming on in America.  Could it really happen?  How far can patriotic Americans be pushed until they push back?  How great is the divide between Democrats and Republicans?  Are we headed toward a second American Revolution where instead of fighting to gain liberty, we are fighting to retain liberty?

Since the founding of this nation, we have been a two-party system with the occasional third party that has come along with what is usually a popular issue that isn’t being addressed by either party.  If you listen to the political parties and the media, no matter when in history that we weren’t fighting a common enemy, one would think the union was about to dissolve.

It almost did in the 1860s when the divisive issue was state’s rights as magnified by the slavery issue.  A war was fought and after 4 years the union was preserved through force of arms.  Some people say that another war is brewing in America and that’s it’s not too far off.  However, this time the issue is preserving liberties guaranteed in the Constitution, including the very freedoms this country was founded upon.Revolutionary Insights

God has given me certain gifts, but the gift of prophecy, seeing the future, is not one of them.  However, I do have the power of observation and years of practice seeing historical patterns that then can lead to an educated guess on what may be coming around the corner.

Political Parties

Therefore, let’s look at this one issue at a time and see what we can figure out.  We’ll begin with the state of the political parties.  As I mentioned above, our political parties have been battling it out ever since Jefferson and Hamilton, in Washington’s cabinet, disagreed with the other on certain issues.

Those days weren’t all about division, though.  Both parties had the same Biblical Worldview until the progressive movement began in the 1880s when progressives began to change the Biblical Worldview into a Humanistic one.  That Humanistic philosophy found a home in the Democrat Party, while the Republican Party has stayed true to the Biblical Worldview.

The change was at the first an economic one, as the Democrats began favoring the economics of socialism and the Republicans continued to espouse the economics of capitalism.  The New Deal is a great example of Democrat socialist economic thought.  (Incidentally, the New Deal didn’t get us out of the Great Depression, WWII did.)

Revolutionary Insights

April 8, 1966

In the 1960s the Democrats shifted their focus to include opposition to biblical morality to be replaced with situational ethics.  That’s when drugs began invading, first-our campuses and then our homes.  The sexual revolution was glorified and headlines began to read, “God is Dead.”

Foreign policy differences are just as stark.  America’s enemy at the time was the Soviet Union.  Democrats seemed to fear America as much as they did the USSR.  The chant from the left was “Better Red than Dead.”  Meaning, better to be a communist and alive than a patriot and dead.  The foreign policy of the Democrats, which was also favored by the media, was known by the acronym  M.A.D. or Mutually Assured Destruction.  If anyone recalls, that was the premise of the 80’s movie, “War Games” with Matthew Broderick.

Republican foreign policy was “Peace through Strength,” in the words of Ronald Reagan.  It was that policy that led directly to the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.  The Republicans under Reagan built up the military, which forced the USSR to try and keep pace, but the Republicans had an unfair advantage over the Soviet Union – capitalism. Soviet socialist policies could not keep pace with America’s capitalist policies and the people behind the Iron Curtain were yearning for freedom.  That combination led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War.

A New Enemy

Our two political parties no longer had a common enemy, and just as the Democrats were just as afraid of America during the Cold War, now that we had won their fear of their own country remained.  They had to find a new enemy and they found that new enemy in the Republican Party which still held to, in their opinion, the wrong economic system (capitalism) and the wrong morality (Biblical).

The focus of the Democrat Party was then turned inward to fight the evils, as they saw them, at home.  When the terrorist attacked, Democrat leadership blamed America.  You may recall Obama going on his World Apology tour where he told world leaders America was the problem and he would change that.

Then along came Trump and said, “America First.”  The Democrats’ hatred for Trump was unlike anything we have ever seen before.  Their contempt for a man who put America first held to traditional values and personified capitalism was more than they could take.  Therefore, they had to get rid of him however they could.  They tried the Russia hoax but failed because it was a, well, a hoax.  They tried the Ukraine phone call but failed because their own Vice-President at the time had actually done what they accused Trump of doing.

They then had to make sure he was not reelected, but that would be difficult to pull off since he was so popular with American’s unaffected by the power of the media, which was most of them.  Therefore, they rigged the election, and ever since then, they’ve been fighting like mad to prevent investigations and recounts.  However, we have the evidence.

Their enemy is not socialist, they are socialist!  Their enemy is not radical Islam, they believe America created radical Islam due to our pro-Israel stance, which is rooted in our Biblical heritage, which they consider evil.  The enemy is not China, after all, China is a socialist country.

To the Democrats, the enemy is much closer to home.  The great enemy of the Democrat Party is the Republican Party, and in particular, conservative Christians who follow God’s Word and who love their country.  Since the Democrat Party believes Republican conservatives are their biggest enemy, would they resort to violence to get their way?  The answer to that is an obvious yes as evidenced by the riots and their own rhetoric.

Are the differences in the political parties enough to lead to a future civil war?  The evidence would suggest yes.

Next week we’ll look at the issue of the Constitution, followed by its first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights.

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