The Difference Between Republicans and Democrats on Race

The Socialist Democrat Media, known as CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post, or anything self-proclaimed as mainstream media has defined anyone who opposes their political agenda as racist.

The Democrats have come up with what they call Critical Race Theory, which declares everyone a racist and that only government intervention can solve the problem.  A lot is said about CRT and there are a lot of good people exposing that horrible tool of the left to bring anyone who doesn’t agree with their agenda under the control of socialism until they either do agree or until they can force people to do as they’re told.

Since so many others are doing it, I’m not going to be talking about CRT today.  Instead, I’m going to let you know what conservatives really believe when it comes to race, instead of what the globalist socialists through their media and Hollywood, tell you we believe.

Foundation of Belief

As a conservative Christian who is registered as a Republican, I believe man and woman were created by God.  That includes all people with different traits that we know as the 3 different races commonly known as white, black, and Asian.  Jesus Christ died for everyone, white, black, and Asian.  God loves the entire human race, white, black, and Asian.  As Christians, we’re supposed to be Christ-like.  That means we are to love everyone regardless of their race, white, black, and Asian.

The Democrat Party either denies God or the power of God (Where’s the Party?), therefore, they base their beliefs on… what?  There is no foundation because they do what is right in their own eyes.  They are based on whatever they choose to believe.

Democrats Admit They’re Racists

Democrats are pushing this Critical Race Theory, which states that everyone is a racist, even if they claim otherwise.Revolutionary Insights  Therefore, by their own definition, Democrats are admitted racist even if they deny it.  Those admitted racists say only they can solve the problem of racism.  That’s like a kleptomaniac saying only he can stop people from stealing.  When an honest person who doesn’t steal says, I’m not a thief, the kleptomaniac says everyone is a thief, while he stuffs valuables into his pocket because that’s what a kleptomaniac does.


Republicans believe that a person should be judged based on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.  You know, just like Martin Luther King, Jr. said.  Maybe that’s why it was the Republicans that gave blacks the right to vote.  Maybe that’s why the first black Republican was elected to the Senate in 1871, while the first black Democrat to the Senate was elected in 1999.  The first 22 blacks elected to the House of Representatives were all Republicans.

Flipping the Script and Cutting Checks

So why is it that blacks vote Democrat, for the very people that denied them freedom and continue to keep them subject to a new master – government?  And it’s not just blacks that have been duped by the Democrat Party, but it’s whites also.  All in the name of helping the poor (Podcast – Are Democrats for the Poor and Republicans for the Rich?).  Here’s how the Democrats, the media, and now the globalist socialist, have enslaved black people to the government.  They said you are oppressed and if you vote for us we will give you the help, through the government, to overcome that oppression.  They then blamed the Republicans for oppressing the blacks when it was the Republicans that gave them their freedom and the right to vote, over the objections of the Democrats!

The Democrats were the oppressors, but once they realized that by giving government handouts they could buy votes, the Democrat Party launched the War on Poverty and started cutting checks.

The Republicans were the party of the individual and the American Dream, which said you could be anything you want through hard work and diligence.  The Democrats, on the other hand, said you can’t do it without our help.  Then, black leaders realized that they could take advantage of that cash cow by playing the Democrat game of lies and deceit to enrich themselves while their brothers became lost in the quagmire of government assistance which has caused so many problems for the black community.

When other black leaders come along, like Ben Carson, Larry Elder, and Candace Owens, they are vilified by the Democrats because they’re upsetting that cash cow and giving blacks hope in themselves and not in the government.

Culture and Not Race

The only differences between the races are the same ones that exist within the races – culture.  Matt Damon, the actor, recently expressed surprise for how different oil workers who grew up and lived in Oklahoma were, as compared to where he grew up in Boston.  Same race, different cultures.  He discovered that Trump supporters weren’t all evil people wanting Trump to lead a Nazi dictatorship, as the Democrat Socialist Media constantly inferred.

Revolutionary InsightsThe point is, Republicans, want to judge people based on the content of their character and that we all are created equal, meaning there shouldn’t be any hindrances or advantages given to people based on race.

On the other hand, Democrats want us to judge people based on the color of their skin and to give some races advantages over others through government mandates, which is the very definition of racism.

Have you Been Duped?

All Democrats can do is claim Republicans are racist without any proof or evidence.  On the other hand, Republicans can prove Democrats are racists, even if they hadn’t already admitted it, which they do in their very own Critical Race Theory where it says everyone is a racist!  If you didn’t already know that, maybe you should consider another source of information besides the socialist Democrat media of CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and The Washington Post.

Incidentally, that is where your local paper and news outlets get their information.

We’re not the evil racists that the left, Democrats and the Socialist Media says we are.  If you believe we are, then you’ve been duped.  If you think I’m wrong, then look it up yourself in places you don’t normally get your information.  You’ll discover a whole new world where truth exists and all lives matter.

The Coming Civil War? The Constitution

The Constitution of the United States is apparently a revered historical document that is nearly held as sacred.  At least it would appear that way if all we did was listen to words and ignored actions.  Both Republicans and Democrats say they revere the constitution, but does that reverence include defending the constitution?  If a person, or party, is not willing to defend what they say they hold in high esteem, then it’s safe to conclude they don’t give it much value.

There are some people that talk a big game, but in the end, do the opposite of what they say.  I once attended a church where the pastor insisted I be a deacon.  After a few years, I relented because he said he needed someone on the deacon board who wasn’t afraid to do the right thing.  The church had an employee that we both agreed needed to be fired, so he asked me to make the motion and then he would back me if the other deacons objected.  I made the motion and then he joined the other deacons in attacking me for having the audacity for even entertaining such a thought.

Revolutionary InsightsThe pastor had said he believed the employee was hurting the church and that as stewards of God’s money, we needed to let the offending employee go.  However, when it came time to actually defend the church and use God’s money wisely, the pastor feared upsetting people in the church to the point they might leave.  In other words, he cared more for what people thought than what God thought.  He cared more about keeping people giving to the church than he did in spending the money of the church wisely.

In my opinion, that pastor was a coward, but not a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  What do we do when we encounter a real wolf in sheep’s clothing?  That is a person who says all the right things, but has as their goal the destruction of the church?  I’m not talking about a Christian who sins, since we all continue to sin because of our sinful nature.  I’m talking about the non-believer who comes into the church simply to cause problems because they don’t really believe in God or his church.

God tells us to beware of such people.  The Bible tells us we will know such people by their fruits.  In other words, what are the results of their actions?

Let’s apply this principle to the constitution as it applies to the political parties.  Both parties say the right thing, so let’s look at their fruit or actions.

The constitution is a very conservative document that limits the power of government.  Therefore, let’s look to see which party stands for limited government and which calls for government expansion?  Honestly, both parties fail too often to keep the power of government limited, but one party actually practices government expansion as a policy.  The party which supports government expansion, because they believe the government is the highest power, is the Democrat Party.Revolutionary Insights

Generally, Republicans believe in God and individual rights.  Meaning, the highest power known to man is God.  The Declaration of Independence says the following, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed,…”

Can a political party that denies God, or at least his power, truly believe that our rights come from God?  If they don’t believe in God, or his power, then our rights cannot then come from God.  If our rights do not come from God, then where do they come from?

If a party believes the government is the highest power known to man, then rights come from the government, and therefore, the government can take those rights away.  If the governed consents to the loss of liberty, then our God-given rights are taken away.  However, the Declaration of Independence says our rights come from God.  That means neither the government nor the people, can consent to have those rights taken away.  The Declaration goes on to say that if the government were to try to take away our rights, then we have the right to overthrow that government.

The rights I am speaking of are defined in both the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.

Let’s take a look at how some of our rights are currently being attacked and who is attacking those rights.  The First Amendment protects political speech.  The Democrat Party is currently censoring political speech they disagree with through big tech companies like Facebook and Twitter who have aligned themselves with the Democrats.

There are numerous examples of how they are censoring political speech, but the best example is what they have done to the former President of the United States who they have banned from their sites.  If they can justify banning the political speech of the former President, no matter how you feel about him, do they have the power to ban your speech?  Have the Democrats cried out he be reinstated, or do they support Big Tech?  They are in favor of banning free speech, including anyone who disagrees with their fact-checkers.

Those are the same fact-checkers that banned doctors and others, including political opponents of the left, that said Hydroxychloroquine was an effective treatment for Covid-19.  President Trump said it was effective and their hatred of Trump and his policies caused them to take the opposite tact on everything he said.  As a result, thousands of people died who could have been saved by the drug the Democrats censored.

Which party defends the second amendment?  Without the second amendment, there is no first amendment.  The purpose of the second amendment is to ensure the people can protect themselves from government, should it ever reach that point.

For years the Democrats have been attacking the second amendment through gun control legislation and the illogical belief that guns are responsible for the action of their owners.  How can Democrats say they support your God-given right to self-defense when in the same breath they are openly attempting to take away your ability to defend yourself?!

Which party supports judges that broadly interpret the constitution and which supports judges that understand that the constitution limits the power of government?  It is common knowledge that the Democrats support judges that believe in a broad interpretation of the constitution while Republicans support judges that believe in a strict interpretation of the constitution.

For example, wherein the constitution do you find the phrase, “Separation of Church and State?”  Democrats use that phrase, which isn’t in the constitution, to justify limiting the freedom of speech of Christians through the threat of losing their tax-exempt status or implying that religion is not to influence government.Revolutionary Insights The Coming Storm

The right to privacy is nowhere to be found in the constitution, but Democrats use that constitutionally non-existent language to justify the murder of millions of unborn babies.

When the Supreme Court declared Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal programs to be unconstitutional, he simply threatened to expand the number of justices on the court by adding enough new judges that believed in expanding the power of government.

Today, the Democrat Party is making that same threat because, in their view, too many of the justices believe government power is limited by the constitution.  Therefore, they are threatening to “pack the court” with like-minded judges who have a broad interpretation of the constitution.

Finally, and most telling, Which party would gain if our constitution was scrapped and replaced by another that allowed for the massive increase of government power?  This kind of government power is commonly known as socialism.  Since the Democrat Party has finally come out of the closet and embraced socialism, then they would gain from the destruction of the constitution.  After all, socialism and the constitution are not compatible.

The Democrat goal is globalist in nature because they believe our future hinges on world cooperation and that only government can solve problems on a global scale.  Since government solves problems, then the power of government must be expanded in order for the leaders of government to have a sufficient amount of power to force people who oppose globalism to submit to the ultimate authority of government.

If that means the constitution must be scrapped to make way for a new world order where America becomes subservient to a government on a global scale then so be it.  Why else do you think the Democrats were so offended by the term, “America First”?  In reality, when it comes to the Constitution of the United States, the Democrats are wolves in sheep’s clothing.


The Coming Civil War?

Some people say that they sense another civil war coming on in America.  Could it really happen?  How far can patriotic Americans be pushed until they push back?  How great is the divide between Democrats and Republicans?  Are we headed toward a second American Revolution where instead of fighting to gain liberty, we are fighting to retain liberty?

Since the founding of this nation, we have been a two-party system with the occasional third party that has come along with what is usually a popular issue that isn’t being addressed by either party.  If you listen to the political parties and the media, no matter when in history that we weren’t fighting a common enemy, one would think the union was about to dissolve.

It almost did in the 1860s when the divisive issue was state’s rights as magnified by the slavery issue.  A war was fought and after 4 years the union was preserved through force of arms.  Some people say that another war is brewing in America and that’s it’s not too far off.  However, this time the issue is preserving liberties guaranteed in the Constitution, including the very freedoms this country was founded upon.Revolutionary Insights

God has given me certain gifts, but the gift of prophecy, seeing the future, is not one of them.  However, I do have the power of observation and years of practice seeing historical patterns that then can lead to an educated guess on what may be coming around the corner.

Political Parties

Therefore, let’s look at this one issue at a time and see what we can figure out.  We’ll begin with the state of the political parties.  As I mentioned above, our political parties have been battling it out ever since Jefferson and Hamilton, in Washington’s cabinet, disagreed with the other on certain issues.

Those days weren’t all about division, though.  Both parties had the same Biblical Worldview until the progressive movement began in the 1880s when progressives began to change the Biblical Worldview into a Humanistic one.  That Humanistic philosophy found a home in the Democrat Party, while the Republican Party has stayed true to the Biblical Worldview.

The change was at the first an economic one, as the Democrats began favoring the economics of socialism and the Republicans continued to espouse the economics of capitalism.  The New Deal is a great example of Democrat socialist economic thought.  (Incidentally, the New Deal didn’t get us out of the Great Depression, WWII did.)

Revolutionary Insights

April 8, 1966

In the 1960s the Democrats shifted their focus to include opposition to biblical morality to be replaced with situational ethics.  That’s when drugs began invading, first-our campuses and then our homes.  The sexual revolution was glorified and headlines began to read, “God is Dead.”

Foreign policy differences are just as stark.  America’s enemy at the time was the Soviet Union.  Democrats seemed to fear America as much as they did the USSR.  The chant from the left was “Better Red than Dead.”  Meaning, better to be a communist and alive than a patriot and dead.  The foreign policy of the Democrats, which was also favored by the media, was known by the acronym  M.A.D. or Mutually Assured Destruction.  If anyone recalls, that was the premise of the 80’s movie, “War Games” with Matthew Broderick.

Republican foreign policy was “Peace through Strength,” in the words of Ronald Reagan.  It was that policy that led directly to the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.  The Republicans under Reagan built up the military, which forced the USSR to try and keep pace, but the Republicans had an unfair advantage over the Soviet Union – capitalism. Soviet socialist policies could not keep pace with America’s capitalist policies and the people behind the Iron Curtain were yearning for freedom.  That combination led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War.

A New Enemy

Our two political parties no longer had a common enemy, and just as the Democrats were just as afraid of America during the Cold War, now that we had won their fear of their own country remained.  They had to find a new enemy and they found that new enemy in the Republican Party which still held to, in their opinion, the wrong economic system (capitalism) and the wrong morality (Biblical).

The focus of the Democrat Party was then turned inward to fight the evils, as they saw them, at home.  When the terrorist attacked, Democrat leadership blamed America.  You may recall Obama going on his World Apology tour where he told world leaders America was the problem and he would change that.

Then along came Trump and said, “America First.”  The Democrats’ hatred for Trump was unlike anything we have ever seen before.  Their contempt for a man who put America first held to traditional values and personified capitalism was more than they could take.  Therefore, they had to get rid of him however they could.  They tried the Russia hoax but failed because it was a, well, a hoax.  They tried the Ukraine phone call but failed because their own Vice-President at the time had actually done what they accused Trump of doing.

They then had to make sure he was not reelected, but that would be difficult to pull off since he was so popular with American’s unaffected by the power of the media, which was most of them.  Therefore, they rigged the election, and ever since then, they’ve been fighting like mad to prevent investigations and recounts.  However, we have the evidence.

Their enemy is not socialist, they are socialist!  Their enemy is not radical Islam, they believe America created radical Islam due to our pro-Israel stance, which is rooted in our Biblical heritage, which they consider evil.  The enemy is not China, after all, China is a socialist country.

To the Democrats, the enemy is much closer to home.  The great enemy of the Democrat Party is the Republican Party, and in particular, conservative Christians who follow God’s Word and who love their country.  Since the Democrat Party believes Republican conservatives are their biggest enemy, would they resort to violence to get their way?  The answer to that is an obvious yes as evidenced by the riots and their own rhetoric.

Are the differences in the political parties enough to lead to a future civil war?  The evidence would suggest yes.

Next week we’ll look at the issue of the Constitution, followed by its first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights.

The Truth About Racism

Anybody who reads my posts or listens to the Revolutionary Insights Podcast knows that the left creates myths about what Christian conservatives believe and passes it off as truth.  The leftist lie now is that we are all racist and white supremists.  They are pushing something known as critical race theory which teaches that everyone is a racist, even if they’re not consciencly aware of it.  Convenintly that means that the white race is the worst of the racist because we have victimized and continue to victimize people based on the color of their skin.  The left tries to say that whites believe they are the superior race and that justifies the white race from keeping other races from achieving.  Therefore, according to the left, whites must be discriminated against to, as they call it, “level the playing field.”

Therefore, the left is fighting racism with racism.

One of the differences between the left and the right is a little something called truth.  The right believes in truth and that truth is found in God.  Since the left either denies God outright, or at least denies the power of God, then they do not believe in truth and they claim that truth is relative to the situation.

So let’s look at the truth about what conservatives believe when it comes to race.  Which race did God say is superior to all the other races?  The answer is God does not place one race over another.  Which race did Jesus Christ die for?  John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  Jesus died for the human race, not a skin color race.

Is the white race superior?  What is the white race superior in?  Personally, I can’t think of anything.  Does that bother me?  No, because it’s not about race, it’s about people.  It’s not about skin color, it’s about the content of a person’s character.

Are their differences in the races?  Yes there are and those differences are a matter of fact and not opinion.  Does the fact that there are differences between the races mean one race is justified in holding the other races in contempt?  No, because differences in the races does not constitute superiority overall.  For example, the top 10 fastest times ever in the 100-meter dash are all held by men of the black race (  IQ tests routinely measure the Asian race higher than whites and blacks (  Those facts don’t make us victims, they make us human.

Should the races be forced to intermingle?  No, simply because no one should be forced to do anything besides not harm other people.  Force only creates resentment and resistance.

There is a question that no one is asking in America out of fear of retribution from the left who is trying to silence anyone who disagrees with their dangerous opinions.  That question is, do Americans have the right to be racist?  What do you think the answer to that question is?  It comes down to freedom of thought.  In America we are supposed to have freedom of thought.  Meaning, Americans have the right to be racist.  However, that doesn’t mean that a person’s racism gives them a right to hurt another or that out government can build racism into it’s laws and discrimate against someone based on the color of their skin.  After all, how can you legislate thought?  To try to do so is what historically leads to gulags and concentration camps as was found in socialist countries like the old Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Why is the left so fixated on race and working so hard to divide us as a people?  Their attempts to fight racism with racism are doomed for failure.  However, the mere fact they’re using racism to fight racism defines them as racist.  So then, what is the truth?  If they themselves are dividing us based on skin color and discriminating against the white people, then that makes them racist.  Therefore, it can reasonably be assumed that their objective is not to end racism, but to put an end to something else entirely.

What could that be?

It’s the old battle strategy of divide an conquer.  Divide people by race in the name of racism and then blame one race for all the problems, whether real or not, that other races face.  Why is it that the left is vilifying the white race, when the left leadership is made up mainly of the white race?  What part of the white race is the left vilifying and discriminating against?  The left is attacking conservatives even if the’re black or hispanic.  Just ask Candace Owens, Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Justice Thomas, or any other black person who doesn’t toe the party line.

In particular they’re attacking Christians despite their race.  The left attacks black Christians and Hispanic Christians, or anyone who dares stand for the traditional moral values of our country and our constitution.  You see, in order for the left to transform this country into socialist-fascist state, they must first destroy our constitution, which is very conservative and which the left says with contempt, was written by old white Christian men.

The goal of the left is not to end “rasicim,” the goal of the left is to end the constitution so it can be replaced with a socialist-fascist state.  Remember, facisim is a form of socialism that allows capitalism to exist as long as the preferred capitalist obey the state.  Why do rich capitalist support the left?  Because the left will eliminate their compeition and allow them to not only remain in business, but the left will increase their wealth at the same time.  Therefore, it becomes good business to support those who would allow them to create a monoply.

If racsism truly exsited to the degree that the left claims, what would be the real solution?  Would it be to attack racism with racism?  The answer to racism is to create people of good moral charcter.  That is something the left cannot do because good moral character is based on the moraity of the Bible and the ony thing the left hates more than the constitution is the Bible.  They might give God lip service, but at the same time they’re denying his power and his laws of morality.

Does that mean we should force people to be Christians?  No, because as I stated ealier force only leads to resentment and resistance.  True good moral character is characterized by love.  It’s hard to be a racist and hurt people when you love them.  Just as Christ died and rose again to save the human race, we as Christians are to love the human race and that kind of love is not predicated on the color of a person’s skin.  Hate is combatted by love, not by more hate.

The left says we hate, but how can they say that when all their own policies are based on racsism and hate?  That is the truth of the matter, but remember, the left doesn’t believe in truth, so they say we cannot hold them to that standard and therefore, whatever they say is truth is truth, even if it goes against what God says is truth.

Try as they might, the left cannot change or alter the truth.  There are natural consequences to ignoring God’s truth and we are suffering as a nation as a result.  The left doesn’t have the answers because how can they have a right answer when they don’t believe right answers are possible because truth is relative to the individual?  Oh, and they don’t really believe that it is up to the individual either, therefore, truth becomes what the government says it is as long as that government is a leftist one.

If you truly want to combat injustice, then the best way to do so is through love and freedom.  That’s what we stand for on the right.

Being Cool

We all want to be loved.  We all want acceptance.  When we go to school we learn the importance of fitting in and having others think well of us.  Those that master that skill generally have advantages for the rest of their lives.  Those that don’t often struggle the rest of their lives.  Peer pressure can be a very powerful weapon when in the hands of bullies and manipulators.  The pressure to conform can be intense.

That’s why we realize at an early age that it’s important to be cool.  When I was growing up in the 70’s cool was personified by the Fonz.  To the Fonz, being cool was the ultimate goal and every one of the characters in “Happy Days” looked up to him so much that he became the central figure on the show.  Athletes are cool and perhaps none more so than Michael Jordan.  In music, the coolness was magnified by the Beatles.  There were actors like James Dean and Steve McQueen that people said was the epitome of cool.

In our own lives how important is it to be cool?  If we buy a bike, it used to be that we bought a bike.  Now, if we buy a bike we also have to buy biker shorts and a biker shirt with a biker helmet and biker gloves.  We then join other bikers and ride for 100 miles in a day and the underlining reason is usually that we want to be cool.

For young people cool seems to be measured by the latest technology and do they own it?  Is it the latest phone with the latest camera so they can take pictures to share with the world to prove they’re cool.

People who have earned the title of trendsetters can make tens of thousands of dollars just by showing up at a business venue that wants to be known as a hot-spot, trendy, and the place to be.  I once gave a ride to a guy while driving for Uber who had just flown in from New York City where he was an owner of a new hotel.  He told me about paying a woman I had never heard of $50,000 just to take selfies at a party being hosted by his hotel.  I asked why he would pay so much money to this young woman for simply showing up and he explained to me how trend-setting worked and how vulnerable young people were to it.

Why is it so important to be cool?  Well, it becomes important when we feel we have to use the worth of others to boost our own worth.  We want their approval so badly that we will conform to whatever the cool people tell us is cool.  Even to the point where if we know something is wrong, we will do wrong to keep from being ridiculed for not being cool.

Here’s a question for you.  How important is it to you to be cool?

I can ask that question in a myriad of other ways.  How easy are you to manipulate?  How important is it for you to fit in with what others say is cool?  How afraid are you to be laughed at by people for not going along with what they say is cool?

The world tells us what is cool, but who is “the world?”  The world is Hollywood and TV entertainment.  The world is rock, pop, country, rap, and hip hop music.  The world is fake news.  The world is social media.  The world is anyone or anything that tries to pull you away from God – including churches!

Not every church puts God first.  Not every Bible is the Word of God.  As it says in I John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

False prophets are not just people in the flesh. False prophets can also be Bibles that have been so altered that they cease to be the Word of God.

False prophets don’t have to be garbed in religious clothing.  They come as entertainers, athletes, newscasters, singers, politicians, or anyone who champions any way other than Jesus Christ.

A political party that rejects God is not to be followed.  Politicians of that party are not to be voted for.

Be different.  Be your own person.  Do not allow yourself to be manipulated by those who don’t have your best interest at heart.

I once had a student that was an anarchist.  He had long pink hair on one side and short blond hair on the other.  He wore an army jacket with the sleeves cut out and anarchy patches are sewn on the jacket.  He wore ragged jeans and said he was a rebel.

One day I was talking to him and I asked him why he dressed as he did.  He definitely said, “Because I’m not a follower.  I am an individual and I go my own way.”  I shook my head that I understood,  then asked, “Then why do you dress just like your friends?”

That’s when he realized that we’re all followers of something or someone.  When you break it down and analyze your choices of who you are going to follow, it boils down to one choice.  God or Satan.  God, as he defined himself in his word, or Satan, as he defines himself to the world as the world.  One choice is love, peace, and a future in heaven.  The others is hate, conflict, and a future in hell.  It sounds as if it should be a simple choice.  However, Satan tells those trying to be cool and fit in that the opposite is true.  He’s a deceiver and a liar, but some people are so afraid to be uncool that they sell their soul to Satan just to fit in with the crowd.

Be bold.  Be your own person.  Be brave and look at yourself for who you really are – a flawed person that needs help.  Who are you following?  Remember, every person in this world, no matter who they are or where they are is either following God or Satan.  If you have not faced the fact that you’re a flawed person afraid of never being accepted by a perfect God, then here’s some good news.  Jesus Christ fulfilled his perfect plan to save the people of an imperfect world and already paid for your flaws (sins) and died for you.  If you believe that and ask God to save you, he will forgive your sins, then just as he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, you too will ascend to heaven because Jesus Christ already paid the penalty for all those flaws you have.  Ask him to forgive you, accept that he is the Son of God and believe that he will save you and he promises he will save you and you will know that you are saved and have a fresh start on life.

Do you want to start over?  Trust Jesus to save you and your eyes will be open to a whole other world in which you have direct access to God.  Satan will no longer be your master because God is now real in your life.  What is your choice?

Busting the Left’s Superior Education Argument

The arrogance of the left seems to know no bounds, especially when the topic of education comes up.  I’m not referring to the education that solely goes on within our public school system where schools are failing because of the leftist doctrines being taught in them. I’m referring to education as a whole.

When it comes to the topic of education, liberals believe that we on the right are an uneducated rabble that believes as we do because we’re not as smart as they are.  They strut around like banty roosters preening their feathers cocksure that they are the elite and anyone who doesn’t believe as they do is intellectually inferior.

Is there any truth to the assumption that the left is more educated than the right?  I could go to statistics and see which side has more degrees, but education is much more than just a piece of paper certifying that you have paid for the required hours of classes from an institution of higher education.

As a matter of a fact, let’s go ahead and bust this myth right here and now.  Those of us on the right are twice as educated as those on the left.  Do you know why I can make a bold statement like that?

I’ll illustrate with a personal story from 5th grade.  My teacher, Mrs. Runion, passed out a history test that I was ready to ace.  I sped through the test confident in my answers because history was my favorite subject and I was sure I had answered all the questions correctly.  I finished, took my paper to the teacher and handed it in, then went back to my desk and started doodling on a sheet of paper.  I was the first one done and looked forward to when we got our test results back because I knew I had aced the test and maybe Sherry Nichols, whom I had a crush on, would be impressed.

The next day when it was time for history class I may have shown some signs of arrogance because I knew I had aced the test.  I sat back confidently trying not to look like Barney Fife in my smugness.  Mrs. Runion gathered our tests off her desk and walked around the room passing them out.  I was pretty sure I had scored 100 points, but I would be satisfied with 96.  After all, 96 was still an “A” and Sherry Nichols would be just as impressed with a 96 as she would with a 100.

As Mrs. Runion got to me and laid my paper down on the desk in front of me, I looked up at her and smiled, thinking she must be very impressed with me as well.  Still smiling, I looked down and saw my score.  I gasped in unbelief.  I didn’t hear the gasp, but I saw my classmates look at me.  I was stunned as I sat there staring at a 50?!

How could that be?

I turned quickly and said as quietly as possible so I wouldn’t embarrass the teacher.  “Mrs. Runion, you made a mistake.”

She walked back to my desk and asked, “What do you mean?”

“I got all my answers right.  See, there aren’t any x’s on my paper, but you gave me a 50.”

Mrs. Runion smiled, reached down, and flipped my test over.  “You didn’t answer any of the questions on the back.”

“The back?!  But I didn’t know there were questions on the back!”

“When I handed out the test I told everyone to be sure to answer all the questions.”

“But I did!”

“No, you answered all the questions on the front, but nothing on the back.”

“But, but, but…”

Mrs. Runion smiled and said softly, “Let this be a lesson.  In the future, make sure you look at both sides.”

Mrs. Runion was right and I took that lesson to heart.  Even when it comes to politics and social issues.  Conservatives have seen both sides.  Sadly, my liberal friends are arrogant, believing they are educated when they have only seen one side of the issues.

As conservatives, growing up in our school system, watching TV, going to movies, attending public colleges, we are well aware of what liberals believe because we were taught by liberals what they believe.  The difference is, we turned the paper over and saw the other side.

We listened to parents and grandparents.  We attended church and read the Bible.  We listened to conservatives like Rush Limbaugh or other commentators.  We saw the conservative side as taught by conservatives.

The only thing liberals seem to know about conservatives is what other liberals teach them.  The problem is that the liberals teaching them about conservatives were also taught by liberals and they never listened to what a conservative had to say because we’re just a bunch of right-wing kooks anyway.

That is why conservatives are twice as educated as liberals because we listen to both sides as taught by both sides.  Leftists have only been taught by one side and refuse to listen to our arguments.  Instead, they get angry and close their minds.  Some of them even try to shout us down and the truly closed-minded ones will turn to rage and even violence to keep from listening to the other side.

As it says in Romans 1:22, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”  Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

When a person rejects God, they cannot be wise or have understanding.  They can be educated and smart in their area of expertise, but they cannot be wise apart from the wisdom that only God can impart.  Don’t be afraid to turn that paper over and seek God.  Isaiah 55:6 says, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:”

If you’re a liberal, don’t be afraid to listen to what the other side says about what they believe.  After all, it’s truth you should be after.

The Myth of Faith vs Science

There are several myths perpetuated by the media, education, Hollywood, and the left against conservatives designed to mislead the people about what we really believe.  Myths such as the Democrats are for the poor and Republicans are for the rich, or Republicans are against immigration, or that we are racist, or whatever lie the left wants to spread so they can keep people from the truth.

Another one of those myths is that conservatives don’t believe in science, as if it’s an either-or proposition.  If I tell someone I believe in creation, they respond by saying condescendingly, “Well, I believe in science.”  I think to myself, “That’s a stupid answer.”  The implication is that a person that believes in creation takes that on faith and faith and science cannot coexist.  That is a false assumption by those who put their faith in evolution.

Yes, those who believe in evolution do so on faith.  If you really want to bug an arrogant evolutionist, tell them you admire their faith and they will nearly become unglued.  They usually get angry as if I’m calling them some horrible being for telling them that to believe in evolution that belief must be taken on faith.  However, that’s exactly the case.  Whether a person believes in creation or evolution, both beliefs must be taken on faith.

Is evolution fact?  No.  Can evolution be scientifically proven?  No.  Does all the scientific evidence point to evolution?  No.  Is there scientific evidence that supports creation?  Yes.  Can creation be scientifically proven?  No.  So both evolution and creation must be taken on faith.

I still have those who place their faith in evolution declare it is a scientific fact.  When they tell me that I respond by saying, “Since you seem to believe evolution is a scientific fact, then I know where you can get $250,000 just by proving it’s a fact.  I know of a creationist that has set aside $250,000 in an escrow account to be awarded to anyone who can prove evolution.  That money is still there, but since you claim it’s a fact, would you like me to give you the address of where to send the evidence so you can collect the money?”  No one ever asks for the address, they usually put their head down knowing that I called their bluff and they don’t have the evidence they just moments before assured me existed.

I then ask, “Have you ever studied creation science?”  I’ve only had one person I asked that question respond yes and I’ll get back to him a little further down.  The problem with those who reject creation is that they’ve never been taught creation science.  I tell them, “I have been taught both evolution and creation and to be quite frank, I don’t have enough faith to believe in evolution.”  I then sincerely, and the following statement is very sincere, tell them that I admire their faith.

Surprisingly they’re not angry anymore.  It’s as if they’re stunned to realize their belief system is based on faith.  Being able to open a closed mind is a beautiful thing.  Liberals love to think conservatives are closed-minded and that they’re open-minded.  However, I’ve found the opposite to be true.  I have studied both sides and know both sides and choose to put my faith in creation.  Liberals have only experienced one side.  They have not been taught creation, therefore, they only know what other evolutionists say about creation and most of what they say is not true.

The one person I came across that had studied both creation and evolution but chose to put his faith in evolution, we’ll call John.

I said the following, “When I get to heaven and ask God if creation or evolution is true, then according to you, God will take me in his arms and say, ‘Bill, I know this is going to surprise you, but I sure hope you didn’t really believe me when I said I created the world in 6 days.’  But Jesus, you said in your word that you created the world in six days.

“Bill, I know I said that, but I really didn’t think you’d believe me.  You should have believed John when he told you that the world came about over billions of years.  I really appreciate you thinking I had that kind of power, but come on, you really didn’t think I could create the world in 6 days did you?”

My head would be hanging and I would quietly reply, “But Jesus, you said you did.”

Jesus would hug me tighter, and then he would softly say, “Bill, you simply had too much faith.  You should have believed John and not me.”

That’s when I told John, if I have to put my faith in what you say or what God says, I’m afraid I’m going to have believe God, but I really do admire your faith.”  That was when John walked off without saying anything.

I see evidence of God all around me, but I don’t see evidence of evolution.  If you believe in evolution and reject God, then all I can say is, I admire your faith.  You see, it’s not faith versus science, it’s faith versus faith.  Faith in God or faith in man.  Science is a good way to understand the orderly universe God created.  Evolution is just a guessing game.

The Democrat Attack on Morality

The Democrat Party has declared war on Biblical morality.  They are not subtlely attacking the moral foundation of this country as they did in the past.  No, now they are openly attacking God, Christians, and Biblical Morality with an all-out frontal assault.  The question is, will they win?

Isaiah 5:20 says, Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

How do we know the difference between good and evil?  II Timothy 3:16 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Either God defines good and evil, or man does.  When God defines good and evil and we follow God’s directions which are given to us because of God’s love for us, then we are able to live a life more abundant and freer from the natural consequence of sin.  A life of peace and harmony.

If man defines good and evil, then each of us has a different set of values, which leads naturally to conflict.  After all, what happens when your idea of evil is the same as my idea of good?  That leads to division, chaos, and anarchy.

For example, let’s look at something as simple as the rules of driving a vehicle.  When it comes to traffic lights, we all know to stop on red, use caution on yellow, and go on green.  What happens when one set of drivers tries to change those rules so that red means go, yellow means, speed up, and green means stop?  What kind of chaos would that lead to?  What kind of confusion would that cause for our children who are going to be driving someday?  What kind of road rage incidents would happen if we followed two different sets of traffic rules?  I’d be mad at people who believed red meant to go and they’d be mad at me for not accepting their change of the rules that green means to stop.

Think of our children who are observing us drive so that they will know how to be a safe driver and avoid accidents once they take to the road.  They will have to decide who to believe.  They might become so confused that they make up their own rules which brings them into conflict with even more drivers.  They might even become confused about other rule changes, such as if they’re male or female.  What would happen to the suicide rate for those who can’t handle all the conflict these new rules are causing?

Here’s where the real problem comes that most people don’t think about.  We are not born with a blank slate that we fill in through education and observation.  We are born with innate knowledge.  We are born with a knowledge of good and evil which is given to us at birth by God.  We are born with a conscience.

If we were born with the innate knowledge that red means stop, yellow caution, and green go, then a political party comes along and tries to change the rules, imagine the division, confusion, and chaos that would create.  The Democrat Party argues that if everyone would just accept their “fact” that red means go, then there would be peace and harmony.

The problem is, to use the traffic light analogy, God has given us an innate knowledge that red means stop.  That means that the left has to constantly be in a state of reeducation of the masses.  Eventually, as happens in socialist societies, people don’t seem to get it, so the socialists turn to force and coercion.

What happens to society when one party tries to change the rules that we have gone by throughout our history?  II Timothy 3:1-5 says,

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

For the last two thousand years, since God’s Word has been completed, Christians have often thought that described their generation.  After all, those kinds of people have always existed because people reject God.  What’s different this time?  This time, in America and around the world, there is an organized political effort to change good into evil and evil into good.

The Democrat Party gives God lip service, but not only denies his power but openly works against God.  After all, as shown in my book, “Where’s the Party?,” the Democrat Party rejects all 10 of God’s commandments.  What about “Christians” who continue to support the Democrat Party and its policies?  As God says in II Corinthians 6:14, Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Matthew 6:24 says No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Psalm 38:20, They also that render evil for good are mine adversaries; because I follow the thing that good is.

God has defined good and evil in his word.  As it says in Joshua chapter 24, choose ye this day whom ye will serve.  Are you going to be an adversary of God and continue to support a party and principles which are anti-Christian, or are you going to agree that God sets the rules of good and evil?

One way brings division, chaos, and eventual anarchy, which will enslave our children.  The other way brings peace and harmony.  Which do you choose for your children?  The Democrat Party might be able to sow division and promote their anti-Christian agenda today.  And eventually, their globalist idea will be achieved, but only after Jesus Christ has raptured Christians from this earth.  That time period is known as the Great Tribulation.  Jesus will return and destroy his enemies.  God wins.  God always wins!


Video of Message – “It’s the Christian Thing to Do”

Below is a video that was taken by my wife at my very first message given to a church.  The church was Victory Baptist Church in Spout Spring, VA, and the message was, “It’s the Christian Thing to Do.”  My wife held her camera up to take this video, so there were a few times I might not be centered, but I thought it was a great job, especially when you consider it was unplanned.  The video is only about 24 minutes long, so watch it and as a result, I hope you will start telling people, “It was the Christain thing to do,” so that God gets the glory.