Busting the Left’s Superior Education Argument

The arrogance of the left seems to know no bounds, especially when the topic of education comes up.  I’m not referring to the education that solely goes on within our public school system where schools are failing because of the leftist doctrines being taught in them. I’m referring to education as a whole.

When it comes to the topic of education, liberals believe that we on the right are an uneducated rabble that believes as we do because we’re not as smart as they are.  They strut around like banty roosters preening their feathers cocksure that they are the elite and anyone who doesn’t believe as they do is intellectually inferior.

Is there any truth to the assumption that the left is more educated than the right?  I could go to statistics and see which side has more degrees, but education is much more than just a piece of paper certifying that you have paid for the required hours of classes from an institution of higher education.

As a matter of a fact, let’s go ahead and bust this myth right here and now.  Those of us on the right are twice as educated as those on the left.  Do you know why I can make a bold statement like that?

I’ll illustrate with a personal story from 5th grade.  My teacher, Mrs. Runion, passed out a history test that I was ready to ace.  I sped through the test confident in my answers because history was my favorite subject and I was sure I had answered all the questions correctly.  I finished, took my paper to the teacher and handed it in, then went back to my desk and started doodling on a sheet of paper.  I was the first one done and looked forward to when we got our test results back because I knew I had aced the test and maybe Sherry Nichols, whom I had a crush on, would be impressed.

The next day when it was time for history class I may have shown some signs of arrogance because I knew I had aced the test.  I sat back confidently trying not to look like Barney Fife in my smugness.  Mrs. Runion gathered our tests off her desk and walked around the room passing them out.  I was pretty sure I had scored 100 points, but I would be satisfied with 96.  After all, 96 was still an “A” and Sherry Nichols would be just as impressed with a 96 as she would with a 100.

As Mrs. Runion got to me and laid my paper down on the desk in front of me, I looked up at her and smiled, thinking she must be very impressed with me as well.  Still smiling, I looked down and saw my score.  I gasped in unbelief.  I didn’t hear the gasp, but I saw my classmates look at me.  I was stunned as I sat there staring at a 50?!

How could that be?

I turned quickly and said as quietly as possible so I wouldn’t embarrass the teacher.  “Mrs. Runion, you made a mistake.”

She walked back to my desk and asked, “What do you mean?”

“I got all my answers right.  See, there aren’t any x’s on my paper, but you gave me a 50.”

Mrs. Runion smiled, reached down, and flipped my test over.  “You didn’t answer any of the questions on the back.”

“The back?!  But I didn’t know there were questions on the back!”

“When I handed out the test I told everyone to be sure to answer all the questions.”

“But I did!”

“No, you answered all the questions on the front, but nothing on the back.”

“But, but, but…”

Mrs. Runion smiled and said softly, “Let this be a lesson.  In the future, make sure you look at both sides.”

Mrs. Runion was right and I took that lesson to heart.  Even when it comes to politics and social issues.  Conservatives have seen both sides.  Sadly, my liberal friends are arrogant, believing they are educated when they have only seen one side of the issues.

As conservatives, growing up in our school system, watching TV, going to movies, attending public colleges, we are well aware of what liberals believe because we were taught by liberals what they believe.  The difference is, we turned the paper over and saw the other side.

We listened to parents and grandparents.  We attended church and read the Bible.  We listened to conservatives like Rush Limbaugh or other commentators.  We saw the conservative side as taught by conservatives.

The only thing liberals seem to know about conservatives is what other liberals teach them.  The problem is that the liberals teaching them about conservatives were also taught by liberals and they never listened to what a conservative had to say because we’re just a bunch of right-wing kooks anyway.

That is why conservatives are twice as educated as liberals because we listen to both sides as taught by both sides.  Leftists have only been taught by one side and refuse to listen to our arguments.  Instead, they get angry and close their minds.  Some of them even try to shout us down and the truly closed-minded ones will turn to rage and even violence to keep from listening to the other side.

As it says in Romans 1:22, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”  Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

When a person rejects God, they cannot be wise or have understanding.  They can be educated and smart in their area of expertise, but they cannot be wise apart from the wisdom that only God can impart.  Don’t be afraid to turn that paper over and seek God.  Isaiah 55:6 says, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:”

If you’re a liberal, don’t be afraid to listen to what the other side says about what they believe.  After all, it’s truth you should be after.

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