5 Reasons to Resist

There was a time when war was glamorized in movies as a romantic adventure with swashbuckling officers leading their men in a heroic charge and taking a hill against insurmountable odds.  However, those kinds of moives fell out of vogue when the left tried to discourage wars against communism such as Korea and especially Vietnam.

However, movies glorifying resistance movements never fell out of vogue because the left was able to redefine fascists and equate them to conservatives.  Of course, the truth is that fascists are socialist, but most people have no idea what a fascist really is.  If you’re not sure you can always go back and listen to my podcast defining fascism by clicking on the link.

War is not a pretty thing and being put in a situation where we have to resist a power trying to conquer us is just as ugly.  However, there comes a time when difficult decisions must be made and we have to stand up to the ugliness and defend our freedoms from a government wishing to take those freedoms away in order to meet its oppressive goals.

We have been facing this onslaught against our freedoms for a long time in America and we have fought back where it was proper for us to do so.  The fight was at the ballot box using peaceful tools of persuasion to affect the outcome of elections.

Force is Being Used

However, what happens when one party cannot win using those peaceful tools of persuasion and instead resorts to using lies, deception, fraud, and force?  Three of those four have been part of American politics from the beginning, but lately, we have witnessed an unprecedented rise in this deceit until it culminated in a stolen election for which their is plenty of evidence.

The introduction of force by the Democrat Party is something new to the American scene where voters are disenfranchised and the threat of retribution and violence are used to intimidate us into submission.  I’m not just speaking of the riots justified by the Democrats in cities they control, but I’m also speaking of the unprecendented pressures being put on Americans since Biden illegally rose to power.

The tactics of the left, as defined within the Democrat Party, had been to slowly erode away our liberties in such a way that not everyone is affected at the same time.  For that reason, they have been very successful in their efforts to turn this nation into their new vision of a socialist state.  That meant that aware Americans had drawn different lines for themselves as to how far they could be pushed before they began to resist.  With people having drawn different lines at different places, we were never unified because no power grab had caused every American to make a decision between submission and resistance at the same time.

They Have Drawn the Line

Until now.  This time the Democrat Party has drawn the line for all Americans and it’s clear and visible to everyone.  The vaccine mandate is affecting every American in some form with a very real threat that puts our freedoms and ability to support our families in jeopardy.  We all know someone in danger of losing their job unless they submit to this gross government intrusion into our lives.  The line has been drawn for everyone and it was drawn by the man occupying the White House.  A position he gained illegally as more and more evidence of massive voter fraud is amassed against those who put Joe Biden in power.

We Are Living Under Tyranny

We are currently living under a tyrannical government.  If you missed my podcast about the five parts of the definition of tyranny and how all five parts of that definition have been met by the Biden regime, then listen to the podcast here if you doubt we’re living under a tyrannical government.

The Democrats, whose motto seems to be, “never let a good crisis go to waste,” has been exaggerating Covid numbers across the board since this apparently man-made version of the flu hit us.  A man-made version that Dr. Fauci helped to fund, by the way.  They changed the way deaths were defined to add an additional 95% to the death toll attributed to COVID.  That’s why those who allow themselves to be deceived think COVID is more of a problem than it truly is.

Study after study has come out saying masks are ineffective, as are the shutdowns of our economy, yet how many people continue to wear masks because the government tells them to, despite the evidence saying differently.

We are then told vaccines will solve the problem, but people with vaccines are still getting COVID and it’s happening at such a rate that logic tells us the vaccines are problematic.  We are still being given misleading numbers to fool us to submit, such as hospitalization numbers.  A new study of those numbers shows that hospitals have been counting people coming into their facilities for other treatments as COVID patients if they have tested positive, even without symptoms, and even if being in the hospital for another reason that has nothing to do with COVID.

We have witnessed lie after lie, and deception after deception, yet the media is part of these lies and deception so that Americans who have been taught not to question their government fail to realize they are being led down the path of submission.  Link

We Are Being Subjugated

The time has come to resist our government.  Not out of some false romantic idea that we’re like the resistance fighters of WWII or the patriots of the American Revolution.  It is time to resist because we are being conquered from within, just as was predicted by Kruchev at the United Nations on November 18, 1956.  The Democrat Party has embraced socialism in a new form that is a hybrid between communism and fascism.  Their goal in America is the subjugation of the American people with the leaders of the Democrat Party and their accomplices in the media and Big Tech to become our masters.

We are seen as consumers that need to be manipulated for financial gain and to create a society to be managed by those that think they’re elite and those who think they know better how to manage our lives in order to bring about some far-off utopian dream.

We’re the Last Bastion of Freedom

For over a  century people from around the world have been fleeing from other countries that had implemented socialism.  Just like the Democrats are trying to do in America today.  America is the last bastion of freedom.  What happens if this last bastion of freedom falls?  What then?  Where do we flee to?  We have nowhere to go, so that makes it even more important for us to resist this unlawful, unconstitutional, and unAmerican attack on our liberties.

Revolutionary InsightsHow do we resist?  We don’t wear masks.  We don’t submit to a vaccine that is currently killing more people than COVID.  The media has proven they’re not to be trusted, so it’s up to us to inform our neighbors of the truth in a kind way.  We question even what the CDC says because we have also caught them in too many lies.  We find others willing to resist and we unite with them.  You may even want to consider joining a militia in case the Democrats allow their militant wing, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter to intimidate peaceful citizens and voters.

However, the most important thing we as Christians need to be doing is praying for God’s direction and caring for our neighbors.  Use these uncertain times to tell others about our hope we have in Christ.  Show your neighbors you care for them, not just for their vote.  Satan is using the Democrat Party to push us ever closer to the anit-Christ.  Let us turn this against Satan and the Democrats by witnessing and sharing God’s love, hope, and the liberty that we find only in Christ.  The Democrats can only give fear and oppression as they try to subjagate us to conform to a world without the hope we have in Christ.  Stand firm!  Defend the faith, your neighbors and your families.

As it says in James 4:7, “Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee far from you.”

A Matter of Liberty

In 1776 Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, when speaking of our rights as mankind, the following immortal line, “…they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness…”  Today I’m going to focus on the word liberty.  What does it mean, and more importantly perhaps, what does it not mean?


A simple definition is, “The condition of being free from oppressive restriction or control by a government or other power.”  Yet, we are all under government restrictions and control in some way or the other.  Does that mean that the only true liberty is anarchy?  Can government and liberty coexist?

The keyword in the definition of liberty is the word “oppressive.”  What then does the word, “oppressive” mean?  It means, “Exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; tyrannical.  Difficult to cope with; causing hardship or depressed spirits.”

Last week’s podcast, and article, was entitled, “The Five Parts of Tyranny in America?”  In that podcast, I looked at the five parts of the definition of tyranny to see how many of those 5 tyranny requirements have been met in America.  Sadly, the answer is all five parts have been met and it’s proper to say we are currently operating under a tyrannical government.  Notice the word “tyrannical” is in the above definition of oppression.


Let’s break down the rest of the definition of the word oppression to see if we are currently being oppressed in America.  Is power being exercised arbitrarily?  In other words, determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle.  In many ways, our government is acting arbitrarily.  The obvious example would be our government’s reaction to Covid 19, which isn’t based on science or reason, but rather it is based on the ever-changing opinions of a group of leaders within our government such as Dr. Fauci and supported by people with a political agenda that is steering our country towards socialism.

In the state of New York, a Democrat has proposed a bill that would detain anyone that the governor, or a health official, deems may be a health threat.  Those detained would be placed in detention facilities, which in effect means they would be placed under arrest and lose their freedom.  That is a direct threat against anyone who dares choose for themselves whether a vaccine is worth the risk.  Never mind that I know more people who have died from the vaccine than died from Covid.  Never mind that people who have been vaccinated are still getting Covid and it appears they may also be spreading it.

If you Google when the spike began, the left says it began when the restrictions were lifted.  That is a good example of how the left spins the news and shapes public opinion.  The restrictions were lifted when the vaccine became available.  Before the vaccine Covid cases had been going down, but after the vaccine cases begin to rise.  What changed?  Was it the removal of restrictions, or has the vaccine been spreading the virus?  Since the vaccinated are getting Covid at an alarming rate, I would venture that the vaccinated may well be spreading the virus.  Would the media report that information?  With their track record, the answer is no.

Equal Justice Under the Law?

The mere fact that opposing scientific opinions are being censored is enough of an example of oppression, but there is more.  Are we being oppressed in ways other than Covid 19?  Do we have equal justice under the law?  Nearly all the rioters in Democrat-controlled cities that burned down neighborhoods, looted businesses, and killed people, were set free after arrest and not held accountable for their actions.  All with the blessing of the media who never questioned those unjust actions.  However, the January 6th riot in Washington D.C. was a different story, because those people were considered to be Trump supporters, so many of them remain in jail to this day and there are credible reports of mistreatment for those people, many of whom were arrested for simply being there.  Read this article by Tucker Carlson.

The first part of the definition of oppression, “Exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; tyrannical,” has been met.  What about the second part which reads, “Difficult to cope with; causing hardship or depressed spirits.”  What has happened to the suicide rate since the government began oppressing people in the name of public health?  Here is an article that sites the CDC and what they have to say about the subject.

Use your own observations.  People seem to be on edge.  People wearing masks look at those who don’t and think they’re horrible people that don’t care about the health of others.  People without masks look at those with masks and think they’re misguided people who don’t care about liberty.  No matter which side you’re on, masked or unmasked, you don’t like seeing the other when you’re out and about.

Fear Mongering

All this fear has been created and sustained by the news media and the Democrat Party which is using that fear to oppress those who don’t follow the Democrat Party line.  Republicans even participate in this charade of fear!  If you are one of the fearful people, I want you to try something.  It might be hard at first because the Democrats, media, and big tech are censoring information that does not agree with their beliefs.  However, the truth is still out there.  Look for information that contradicts what the left says and find out why I call what is going on now a charade of fear.

Liberty does not cause depression and hardships.  Liberty is not difficult to cope with.  Liberty is not arbitrary because it is based on equal justice and reasoned principles.  Liberty is about being free from government coercion.  Liberty is about being allowed to question the government and even oppose it if it is acting in an oppressive tyrannical way.

“If I lose my health, just like over 99% of Covid patience who have recovered, I can recover my health.  However, if I lose my liberty it is doubtful I will ever recover it!”

What good is health if you surrender your liberties to those who can take your health away?  I love my health and I also love my liberty.  If I lose my health, just like over 99% of Covid patience who have recovered, I can recover my health.  However, if I lose my liberty it is doubtful I will ever recover it!

Eye Opening

In 1917 a people who never really had much freedom lost what little they had and it wasn’t until the 1990’s that they began recovering some of it.  In 1945 the people in the most populous nation on earth lost what little freedoms they had and they’ve not recovered it to this day.  Liberty, once lost may be lost forever.

Liberty is worth defending.  Liberty is worth fighting for.  Liberty is even worth dying for.  Let not your generation be known for losing the freedom millions have died to defend over the last few centuries.  Open your eyes to the truth you see around you, and not the lie being fed to you by the media.

Standing Up to a Bully

When I was growing up bullies were a way of life.  I wish I didn’t have to admit this, but I was bullied during the first two years of high school.  I had just moved to Florida, and I was in culture shock.  I had gone from a small farm in an unincorporated community in West Virginia to what I thought was a large city in Florida of around 34,000 people of various cultures.  All I wanted was to be invisible for those first two years.

By the time I got to college in West Virginia, I was over being bullied and so when one of my roommates tried it I didn’t take kindly to it at all.

Then, in the ’90s campaigns against bullying started in public schools where it was pronounced bad and government money began pouring in to combat it.  Has bullying stopped?  No, but at least people feel better about themselves for having tried to stop it.

Who is Teaching our Kids Bullying is Okay?

Why hasn’t it stopped?  There are several reasons, but I’m going to focus on one that is happening on such a large scale it goes beyond our public schools.  Not only are we teaching our kids to bully, but we’re enabling them and justifying it.

Revolutionary Insights - Standing Up to a BullyFirst, let’s define bullying.  Wikipedia is not always the best source of information, but in this case, I think they defined bullying very well.  “Bullying is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior is often repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception of an imbalance of physical or social power. This imbalance distinguishes bullying from conflict.”

Who is teaching our kids to be bullies?

Political Correctness is a form of bullying.  If a person comes out against what is termed by those culturally in power, Hollywood, the music industry, corporate media, and sadly even some churches, then the violators are subject to pressure and intimidation to conform.  As an example, what happens to people who say homosexuality is wrong?  They are called a name – homophobic and slandered as a bad person by those who like to make their sex life public, or support those who try to force their deviant sexual behavior on those of us who believe what God says about homosexuality.

What happens to a person who says that there are only two genders?  Something that was never questioned until the left decided we could be whatever gender we wanted to be.  We are called transphobic and ridiculed based not on science, but on their political opinion that is not supported by facts.

Hilary Clinton said the Democrats would only call for civility once they were back in power.  Well, they’re back in power because of what appears to be a massive amount of election fraud, but they’re still not being civil.  Instead, we are being bullied by the Democrats to accept their anti-Christian and anti-American vision for America where all those who disagree are being identified and vilified as enemies of the state.  Link

Using Covid to Bully People into Submission

The Covid vaccine is a great example of the left bullying anyone who chooses not to get the vaccine, for whatever reason.  The Biden Department of Justice, an oxymoron, has declared it is legal for the government and employers to force their workers to get the vaccine or be forced to be tested for Covid on a weekly basis.  Note that none of these vaccines have been fully approved by the government.  We are still in the testing phase and yet it’s okay to force people against their will to inject a vaccine into their bodies with no recourse if something goes wrong?!

I know of two people who were said to have died from Covid since the alleged pandemic began.  I know of three people who have allegedly died from the vaccine since it came out.  I know more people who have been sickened, some very serious, and for a longer period than anyone who actually had Covid.  I’m not talking just about elderly or chronically sick people either.  I’m talking about healthy people in their youth.Revolutionary Insights - Standing Up to a Bully

My wife has had allergic reactions to various medicines she has taken over the years.  What happens if her work requires her to get the vaccine?  If something goes wrong and she dies, what recourse do I have?  I have no recourse because these vaccines are still in the testing phase and since the government has not fully approved them, then I can’t sue the manufacturer or the government, or the employer who forced her to get the vaccine!

We are being bullied!  We are being ridiculed!  We are being threatened!  All in the name of protecting us and others from a virus that was greatly and purposely exaggerated and now they want us to take a vaccine that is killing people more often than the virus.  Link1  Link2

The media and the left now say there’s a Delta Variant that is surging, but why should I believe them when they have lied to me so often and they’ve been caught in their lies?!  (Previous Article on Abuse of Power)

They lied about the origin of the virus.

They lied about the number of cases.

They lied about the death toll of Covid.

They lied about the effectiveness of masks!

They lied about the effectiveness of vaccines!

They have been caught in so many lies, so now they want to force me to get a vaccine against my will!

At what point do we draw the line and stand up to these bullies and say, I will not be moved!

It is time to draw a line and say no more!  And if they try to use force, stand our ground.

Covid and the Mark of the Beast

If you are a Christian this should especially be important to you to stand your ground and say, “no more!”  There will come a time when, as it says in Revelation 13.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Do I believe that getting the vaccine is the same as taking the mark of the beast?  No, but it can be a good indicator of your willingness to concede your liberty to the spiritually wicked rulers in high places.

There is already talk of people having to prove they have the vaccine.  The only thing standing now between us being implanted with chips that contain our medical records (Including Covid-19 vaccine proof), as well as our banking numbers, is a good reason to get people to comply.  They have created an alleged health crisis on a global scale and people will do things out of health fears that they wouldn’t do for any other reason.

In the name of proving you’ve been vaccinated; so that you could then buy and sell and keep your job, would you allow yourself to be implanted with a chip to prove you’ve been vaccinated?  The day is coming when the consequence for not complying with the government is death.  What will you do?