The Coming Storm

Years ago I rescued some kids who were caught in currents swirling around a jetty as a storm was coming in.  There were five kids ranging in age from 16 to 10, 2 boys and 3 girls.  The only way to get them to safety was to lead them into the very rocks that they feared.  These were huge blocks the size of cars and the waves were crashing into them sending spray over the jetty that jutted out into the ocean at the inlet for a thousand feet, or more.

I’ll share this story in more detail in the podcast, but suffice it to say it was a very scary experience due to the danger and the bone-chilling fear those kids displayed.  After I got all five safely to shore and their wounds treated, I went back in the water, far away from the jetty.  It wasn’t long however when I heard cries of help coming from the waters near that jetty and so what did I do?  I hesitated. I had gone through that experience less than an hour before and I didn’t want to repeat it.  Surely, someone else would go.  I watched to see if someone else was going to help, but all the other people at the beach did was look in the direction where the pleas were coming from.  The lifeguard, who looked the part, stood on his high chair and heard the cries for help, but he didn’t go to the rescue.

Revolutionary Insights The Coming StormI was scared and I didn’t want to go.  I knew how rough it was and how the waves and current forced anyone too close to the jetty into those jagged rocks.  Why risk my life for total strangers when there was a lifeguard paid to do just that?  Yet, the calls for help persisted and no one was responding.

Right now lady liberty is in danger as she’s being pushed toward the rocks by the approaching storm.

Who is going to rescue her?  It should be the lifeguard, but that lifeguard was the churches of America – afraid to act.  Churches are supposed to be in the business of saving people and rescuing families, communities, and the nation from danger.

The Pastors are the leaders of their flocks and they are the ones that see the danger and hear the pleas for help, but instead of responding to the situation, they sit back down and ignore the dangers and those trapped by it.  They don’t want to risk their church situation by possibly offending someone, or worse yet, the government that has conjured up the storm.  If they stay away from the storm, they hope it won’t affect them.

The problem is, the storm’s first effects are felt on the shore as it stirs up the ocean on its way to landfall.  We have seen the signs of the approaching storm for decades as the waves have increased in size and swimming has become dangerous.  We have witnessed some being cast upon the rocks as they’ve pleaded for help.  Maybe if we ignore it the storm will go away, but the storm facing America is only growing in strength and landfall is imminent.Revolutionary Insights The Coming Storm

We serve the God who calmed the storm.  However, we are not to stand on the shore and simply pray, we are to be rescuing the lost and preparing for what is coming.  We are not just to be on the defense, though.  In America, we have been given a Constitutional Republic that we are to preserve so that we can influence the government to follow Romans chapter 13 as God explains the duty of government.

Verse 1 says, Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.

We are to be subject to the higher powers.  What is the highest power?  God is the highest power and not government.  Therefore, the highest power we are to be subject to is God.  God then ordains those who are in power over us.  God ordained government in Genesis Chapter 9, so God put the government in power over us.  Which power is greater, God or government?  God is, and that is why we are to obey him if government comes into conflict with God.

Verse 2 says, Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.

We are not to resist God or the power that God ordains.  However, which is the greater power, God or government?  What happens when government resists God?  Is that acceptable?  God sets the standard for government in the next verse.

Verse 3 says, For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

Revolutionary Insights The Coming StormGovernment is not to be a terror to good works.  Government is to be good and not do evil to those who are doing good.  Government is to be a terror to those who are doing evil. What happens when he who does good is met with terror and he who does evil is met with good?  Since the Democrat Party opposes all 10 of God’s commandments and fights Christians and Christianity, then when they lead the government we are met by a party that does the opposite of what verse 3 says they are to do.

Verse 4 says, For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

Government is to execute wrath on those that do evil.  But when the party that is leading the government executes wrath on those doing good, do we obey God or government?  Which is the highest power?

Verse 5 says, Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.

We are to be subject to the higher power, not because we fear wrath, but because we know it is the right thing to do.  Who is the highest power?  God or government?  God is the highest power and we are subject to him first because he is good and wants the best for us.  When government, or a political party, fights against God, we are not subject to that government’s power.  We are subject to the greater power, which is God.

Verse 6 says, For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.

We are to pay tribute, or taxes, or support a government that is continually doing good.  What happens when that government does evil instead of good?  Do we obey God or the government?  A minister who continually does evil is not of God, he is of Satan.

Verse 7, Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

Give those powers over us their due.  An ungodly government is not due our submission or loyalty, only a government that is ministers of God is due its due.  Being a minister of Satan doesn’t make the government worthy of our support.

This coming storm is powered by the ungodly Democrat Party.  We are not to support those that oppose

God and his Word.  Pastors and churches are to be the ones doing good works and upholding God’s justice.  We are to make sure that our government is doing the same and upholding God’s justice.

Revolutionary Insights The Coming Storm

However, the government is powerful and peer pressure is powerful and to resist those that resist God can be dangerous.  As a pastor, you can hear the calls for help.  As a church, you hear those same calls.  What are you going to do?  Is it someone else’s job?  Are we to ignore God’s Word and submit to an evil government instead of a righteous God?

We are to be the salt of the earth and we are to love our neighbors.  We cannot preserve, as salt does if we are supporting evil.  We cannot love our neighbors if we do not support justice.  There cannot be justice when it is defined by those that do evil.  In that case, justice becomes evil and it ceases to be justice.

If you love God you will oppose evil in government.  If you love your neighbor you will oppose evil in government.   If you love your family, you will oppose evil in government.

As it says in Matthew 6:24:  No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

As a pastor and a church, will you serve God or the government?  You cannot support God and support the Democrat Party and its evil policies.  Choose you this day whom ye will serve.

The Truth About Racism

Anybody who reads my posts or listens to the Revolutionary Insights Podcast knows that the left creates myths about what Christian conservatives believe and passes it off as truth.  The leftist lie now is that we are all racist and white supremists.  They are pushing something known as critical race theory which teaches that everyone is a racist, even if they’re not consciencly aware of it.  Convenintly that means that the white race is the worst of the racist because we have victimized and continue to victimize people based on the color of their skin.  The left tries to say that whites believe they are the superior race and that justifies the white race from keeping other races from achieving.  Therefore, according to the left, whites must be discriminated against to, as they call it, “level the playing field.”

Therefore, the left is fighting racism with racism.

One of the differences between the left and the right is a little something called truth.  The right believes in truth and that truth is found in God.  Since the left either denies God outright, or at least denies the power of God, then they do not believe in truth and they claim that truth is relative to the situation.

So let’s look at the truth about what conservatives believe when it comes to race.  Which race did God say is superior to all the other races?  The answer is God does not place one race over another.  Which race did Jesus Christ die for?  John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  Jesus died for the human race, not a skin color race.

Is the white race superior?  What is the white race superior in?  Personally, I can’t think of anything.  Does that bother me?  No, because it’s not about race, it’s about people.  It’s not about skin color, it’s about the content of a person’s character.

Are their differences in the races?  Yes there are and those differences are a matter of fact and not opinion.  Does the fact that there are differences between the races mean one race is justified in holding the other races in contempt?  No, because differences in the races does not constitute superiority overall.  For example, the top 10 fastest times ever in the 100-meter dash are all held by men of the black race (  IQ tests routinely measure the Asian race higher than whites and blacks (  Those facts don’t make us victims, they make us human.

Should the races be forced to intermingle?  No, simply because no one should be forced to do anything besides not harm other people.  Force only creates resentment and resistance.

There is a question that no one is asking in America out of fear of retribution from the left who is trying to silence anyone who disagrees with their dangerous opinions.  That question is, do Americans have the right to be racist?  What do you think the answer to that question is?  It comes down to freedom of thought.  In America we are supposed to have freedom of thought.  Meaning, Americans have the right to be racist.  However, that doesn’t mean that a person’s racism gives them a right to hurt another or that out government can build racism into it’s laws and discrimate against someone based on the color of their skin.  After all, how can you legislate thought?  To try to do so is what historically leads to gulags and concentration camps as was found in socialist countries like the old Soviet Union and Nazi Germany.

Why is the left so fixated on race and working so hard to divide us as a people?  Their attempts to fight racism with racism are doomed for failure.  However, the mere fact they’re using racism to fight racism defines them as racist.  So then, what is the truth?  If they themselves are dividing us based on skin color and discriminating against the white people, then that makes them racist.  Therefore, it can reasonably be assumed that their objective is not to end racism, but to put an end to something else entirely.

What could that be?

It’s the old battle strategy of divide an conquer.  Divide people by race in the name of racism and then blame one race for all the problems, whether real or not, that other races face.  Why is it that the left is vilifying the white race, when the left leadership is made up mainly of the white race?  What part of the white race is the left vilifying and discriminating against?  The left is attacking conservatives even if the’re black or hispanic.  Just ask Candace Owens, Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Justice Thomas, or any other black person who doesn’t toe the party line.

In particular they’re attacking Christians despite their race.  The left attacks black Christians and Hispanic Christians, or anyone who dares stand for the traditional moral values of our country and our constitution.  You see, in order for the left to transform this country into socialist-fascist state, they must first destroy our constitution, which is very conservative and which the left says with contempt, was written by old white Christian men.

The goal of the left is not to end “rasicim,” the goal of the left is to end the constitution so it can be replaced with a socialist-fascist state.  Remember, facisim is a form of socialism that allows capitalism to exist as long as the preferred capitalist obey the state.  Why do rich capitalist support the left?  Because the left will eliminate their compeition and allow them to not only remain in business, but the left will increase their wealth at the same time.  Therefore, it becomes good business to support those who would allow them to create a monoply.

If racsism truly exsited to the degree that the left claims, what would be the real solution?  Would it be to attack racism with racism?  The answer to racism is to create people of good moral charcter.  That is something the left cannot do because good moral character is based on the moraity of the Bible and the ony thing the left hates more than the constitution is the Bible.  They might give God lip service, but at the same time they’re denying his power and his laws of morality.

Does that mean we should force people to be Christians?  No, because as I stated ealier force only leads to resentment and resistance.  True good moral character is characterized by love.  It’s hard to be a racist and hurt people when you love them.  Just as Christ died and rose again to save the human race, we as Christians are to love the human race and that kind of love is not predicated on the color of a person’s skin.  Hate is combatted by love, not by more hate.

The left says we hate, but how can they say that when all their own policies are based on racsism and hate?  That is the truth of the matter, but remember, the left doesn’t believe in truth, so they say we cannot hold them to that standard and therefore, whatever they say is truth is truth, even if it goes against what God says is truth.

Try as they might, the left cannot change or alter the truth.  There are natural consequences to ignoring God’s truth and we are suffering as a nation as a result.  The left doesn’t have the answers because how can they have a right answer when they don’t believe right answers are possible because truth is relative to the individual?  Oh, and they don’t really believe that it is up to the individual either, therefore, truth becomes what the government says it is as long as that government is a leftist one.

If you truly want to combat injustice, then the best way to do so is through love and freedom.  That’s what we stand for on the right.

Being Cool

We all want to be loved.  We all want acceptance.  When we go to school we learn the importance of fitting in and having others think well of us.  Those that master that skill generally have advantages for the rest of their lives.  Those that don’t often struggle the rest of their lives.  Peer pressure can be a very powerful weapon when in the hands of bullies and manipulators.  The pressure to conform can be intense.

That’s why we realize at an early age that it’s important to be cool.  When I was growing up in the 70’s cool was personified by the Fonz.  To the Fonz, being cool was the ultimate goal and every one of the characters in “Happy Days” looked up to him so much that he became the central figure on the show.  Athletes are cool and perhaps none more so than Michael Jordan.  In music, the coolness was magnified by the Beatles.  There were actors like James Dean and Steve McQueen that people said was the epitome of cool.

In our own lives how important is it to be cool?  If we buy a bike, it used to be that we bought a bike.  Now, if we buy a bike we also have to buy biker shorts and a biker shirt with a biker helmet and biker gloves.  We then join other bikers and ride for 100 miles in a day and the underlining reason is usually that we want to be cool.

For young people cool seems to be measured by the latest technology and do they own it?  Is it the latest phone with the latest camera so they can take pictures to share with the world to prove they’re cool.

People who have earned the title of trendsetters can make tens of thousands of dollars just by showing up at a business venue that wants to be known as a hot-spot, trendy, and the place to be.  I once gave a ride to a guy while driving for Uber who had just flown in from New York City where he was an owner of a new hotel.  He told me about paying a woman I had never heard of $50,000 just to take selfies at a party being hosted by his hotel.  I asked why he would pay so much money to this young woman for simply showing up and he explained to me how trend-setting worked and how vulnerable young people were to it.

Why is it so important to be cool?  Well, it becomes important when we feel we have to use the worth of others to boost our own worth.  We want their approval so badly that we will conform to whatever the cool people tell us is cool.  Even to the point where if we know something is wrong, we will do wrong to keep from being ridiculed for not being cool.

Here’s a question for you.  How important is it to you to be cool?

I can ask that question in a myriad of other ways.  How easy are you to manipulate?  How important is it for you to fit in with what others say is cool?  How afraid are you to be laughed at by people for not going along with what they say is cool?

The world tells us what is cool, but who is “the world?”  The world is Hollywood and TV entertainment.  The world is rock, pop, country, rap, and hip hop music.  The world is fake news.  The world is social media.  The world is anyone or anything that tries to pull you away from God – including churches!

Not every church puts God first.  Not every Bible is the Word of God.  As it says in I John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

False prophets are not just people in the flesh. False prophets can also be Bibles that have been so altered that they cease to be the Word of God.

False prophets don’t have to be garbed in religious clothing.  They come as entertainers, athletes, newscasters, singers, politicians, or anyone who champions any way other than Jesus Christ.

A political party that rejects God is not to be followed.  Politicians of that party are not to be voted for.

Be different.  Be your own person.  Do not allow yourself to be manipulated by those who don’t have your best interest at heart.

I once had a student that was an anarchist.  He had long pink hair on one side and short blond hair on the other.  He wore an army jacket with the sleeves cut out and anarchy patches are sewn on the jacket.  He wore ragged jeans and said he was a rebel.

One day I was talking to him and I asked him why he dressed as he did.  He definitely said, “Because I’m not a follower.  I am an individual and I go my own way.”  I shook my head that I understood,  then asked, “Then why do you dress just like your friends?”

That’s when he realized that we’re all followers of something or someone.  When you break it down and analyze your choices of who you are going to follow, it boils down to one choice.  God or Satan.  God, as he defined himself in his word, or Satan, as he defines himself to the world as the world.  One choice is love, peace, and a future in heaven.  The others is hate, conflict, and a future in hell.  It sounds as if it should be a simple choice.  However, Satan tells those trying to be cool and fit in that the opposite is true.  He’s a deceiver and a liar, but some people are so afraid to be uncool that they sell their soul to Satan just to fit in with the crowd.

Be bold.  Be your own person.  Be brave and look at yourself for who you really are – a flawed person that needs help.  Who are you following?  Remember, every person in this world, no matter who they are or where they are is either following God or Satan.  If you have not faced the fact that you’re a flawed person afraid of never being accepted by a perfect God, then here’s some good news.  Jesus Christ fulfilled his perfect plan to save the people of an imperfect world and already paid for your flaws (sins) and died for you.  If you believe that and ask God to save you, he will forgive your sins, then just as he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, you too will ascend to heaven because Jesus Christ already paid the penalty for all those flaws you have.  Ask him to forgive you, accept that he is the Son of God and believe that he will save you and he promises he will save you and you will know that you are saved and have a fresh start on life.

Do you want to start over?  Trust Jesus to save you and your eyes will be open to a whole other world in which you have direct access to God.  Satan will no longer be your master because God is now real in your life.  What is your choice?

Busting the Left’s Superior Education Argument

The arrogance of the left seems to know no bounds, especially when the topic of education comes up.  I’m not referring to the education that solely goes on within our public school system where schools are failing because of the leftist doctrines being taught in them. I’m referring to education as a whole.

When it comes to the topic of education, liberals believe that we on the right are an uneducated rabble that believes as we do because we’re not as smart as they are.  They strut around like banty roosters preening their feathers cocksure that they are the elite and anyone who doesn’t believe as they do is intellectually inferior.

Is there any truth to the assumption that the left is more educated than the right?  I could go to statistics and see which side has more degrees, but education is much more than just a piece of paper certifying that you have paid for the required hours of classes from an institution of higher education.

As a matter of a fact, let’s go ahead and bust this myth right here and now.  Those of us on the right are twice as educated as those on the left.  Do you know why I can make a bold statement like that?

I’ll illustrate with a personal story from 5th grade.  My teacher, Mrs. Runion, passed out a history test that I was ready to ace.  I sped through the test confident in my answers because history was my favorite subject and I was sure I had answered all the questions correctly.  I finished, took my paper to the teacher and handed it in, then went back to my desk and started doodling on a sheet of paper.  I was the first one done and looked forward to when we got our test results back because I knew I had aced the test and maybe Sherry Nichols, whom I had a crush on, would be impressed.

The next day when it was time for history class I may have shown some signs of arrogance because I knew I had aced the test.  I sat back confidently trying not to look like Barney Fife in my smugness.  Mrs. Runion gathered our tests off her desk and walked around the room passing them out.  I was pretty sure I had scored 100 points, but I would be satisfied with 96.  After all, 96 was still an “A” and Sherry Nichols would be just as impressed with a 96 as she would with a 100.

As Mrs. Runion got to me and laid my paper down on the desk in front of me, I looked up at her and smiled, thinking she must be very impressed with me as well.  Still smiling, I looked down and saw my score.  I gasped in unbelief.  I didn’t hear the gasp, but I saw my classmates look at me.  I was stunned as I sat there staring at a 50?!

How could that be?

I turned quickly and said as quietly as possible so I wouldn’t embarrass the teacher.  “Mrs. Runion, you made a mistake.”

She walked back to my desk and asked, “What do you mean?”

“I got all my answers right.  See, there aren’t any x’s on my paper, but you gave me a 50.”

Mrs. Runion smiled, reached down, and flipped my test over.  “You didn’t answer any of the questions on the back.”

“The back?!  But I didn’t know there were questions on the back!”

“When I handed out the test I told everyone to be sure to answer all the questions.”

“But I did!”

“No, you answered all the questions on the front, but nothing on the back.”

“But, but, but…”

Mrs. Runion smiled and said softly, “Let this be a lesson.  In the future, make sure you look at both sides.”

Mrs. Runion was right and I took that lesson to heart.  Even when it comes to politics and social issues.  Conservatives have seen both sides.  Sadly, my liberal friends are arrogant, believing they are educated when they have only seen one side of the issues.

As conservatives, growing up in our school system, watching TV, going to movies, attending public colleges, we are well aware of what liberals believe because we were taught by liberals what they believe.  The difference is, we turned the paper over and saw the other side.

We listened to parents and grandparents.  We attended church and read the Bible.  We listened to conservatives like Rush Limbaugh or other commentators.  We saw the conservative side as taught by conservatives.

The only thing liberals seem to know about conservatives is what other liberals teach them.  The problem is that the liberals teaching them about conservatives were also taught by liberals and they never listened to what a conservative had to say because we’re just a bunch of right-wing kooks anyway.

That is why conservatives are twice as educated as liberals because we listen to both sides as taught by both sides.  Leftists have only been taught by one side and refuse to listen to our arguments.  Instead, they get angry and close their minds.  Some of them even try to shout us down and the truly closed-minded ones will turn to rage and even violence to keep from listening to the other side.

As it says in Romans 1:22, “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.”  Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”

When a person rejects God, they cannot be wise or have understanding.  They can be educated and smart in their area of expertise, but they cannot be wise apart from the wisdom that only God can impart.  Don’t be afraid to turn that paper over and seek God.  Isaiah 55:6 says, “Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:”

If you’re a liberal, don’t be afraid to listen to what the other side says about what they believe.  After all, it’s truth you should be after.

The Myth of Faith vs Science

There are several myths perpetuated by the media, education, Hollywood, and the left against conservatives designed to mislead the people about what we really believe.  Myths such as the Democrats are for the poor and Republicans are for the rich, or Republicans are against immigration, or that we are racist, or whatever lie the left wants to spread so they can keep people from the truth.

Another one of those myths is that conservatives don’t believe in science, as if it’s an either-or proposition.  If I tell someone I believe in creation, they respond by saying condescendingly, “Well, I believe in science.”  I think to myself, “That’s a stupid answer.”  The implication is that a person that believes in creation takes that on faith and faith and science cannot coexist.  That is a false assumption by those who put their faith in evolution.

Yes, those who believe in evolution do so on faith.  If you really want to bug an arrogant evolutionist, tell them you admire their faith and they will nearly become unglued.  They usually get angry as if I’m calling them some horrible being for telling them that to believe in evolution that belief must be taken on faith.  However, that’s exactly the case.  Whether a person believes in creation or evolution, both beliefs must be taken on faith.

Is evolution fact?  No.  Can evolution be scientifically proven?  No.  Does all the scientific evidence point to evolution?  No.  Is there scientific evidence that supports creation?  Yes.  Can creation be scientifically proven?  No.  So both evolution and creation must be taken on faith.

I still have those who place their faith in evolution declare it is a scientific fact.  When they tell me that I respond by saying, “Since you seem to believe evolution is a scientific fact, then I know where you can get $250,000 just by proving it’s a fact.  I know of a creationist that has set aside $250,000 in an escrow account to be awarded to anyone who can prove evolution.  That money is still there, but since you claim it’s a fact, would you like me to give you the address of where to send the evidence so you can collect the money?”  No one ever asks for the address, they usually put their head down knowing that I called their bluff and they don’t have the evidence they just moments before assured me existed.

I then ask, “Have you ever studied creation science?”  I’ve only had one person I asked that question respond yes and I’ll get back to him a little further down.  The problem with those who reject creation is that they’ve never been taught creation science.  I tell them, “I have been taught both evolution and creation and to be quite frank, I don’t have enough faith to believe in evolution.”  I then sincerely, and the following statement is very sincere, tell them that I admire their faith.

Surprisingly they’re not angry anymore.  It’s as if they’re stunned to realize their belief system is based on faith.  Being able to open a closed mind is a beautiful thing.  Liberals love to think conservatives are closed-minded and that they’re open-minded.  However, I’ve found the opposite to be true.  I have studied both sides and know both sides and choose to put my faith in creation.  Liberals have only experienced one side.  They have not been taught creation, therefore, they only know what other evolutionists say about creation and most of what they say is not true.

The one person I came across that had studied both creation and evolution but chose to put his faith in evolution, we’ll call John.

I said the following, “When I get to heaven and ask God if creation or evolution is true, then according to you, God will take me in his arms and say, ‘Bill, I know this is going to surprise you, but I sure hope you didn’t really believe me when I said I created the world in 6 days.’  But Jesus, you said in your word that you created the world in six days.

“Bill, I know I said that, but I really didn’t think you’d believe me.  You should have believed John when he told you that the world came about over billions of years.  I really appreciate you thinking I had that kind of power, but come on, you really didn’t think I could create the world in 6 days did you?”

My head would be hanging and I would quietly reply, “But Jesus, you said you did.”

Jesus would hug me tighter, and then he would softly say, “Bill, you simply had too much faith.  You should have believed John and not me.”

That’s when I told John, if I have to put my faith in what you say or what God says, I’m afraid I’m going to have believe God, but I really do admire your faith.”  That was when John walked off without saying anything.

I see evidence of God all around me, but I don’t see evidence of evolution.  If you believe in evolution and reject God, then all I can say is, I admire your faith.  You see, it’s not faith versus science, it’s faith versus faith.  Faith in God or faith in man.  Science is a good way to understand the orderly universe God created.  Evolution is just a guessing game.

The Fall of Lucifer and America

When the angel Lucifer first sinned and God kicked him out of heaven, was he the evil devil who promotes horrible sins such as murder, rape, child molestations, and all the horrors that sin has ravaged upon the human race?  Would Lucifer have been horrified if God had shown him the evil he was going to become?

Lucifer was a created being.  We know those beings as angels.  This is what God tells us about Lucifer in Ezekiel 28:15, “15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.”  Lucifer was perfect because he was innocent, as a child is innocent until he reaches the age of accountability.  God did not create us as robots to do his bidding blindly.  He created all of us, angels and humans, with the free will to make a choice on whether to accept or reject God.

Angels were created to serve in heaven, but they were to have a choice just as humans, have a choice.  God described Satan as beautiful and full of wisdom.  Yet that beauty and his greatness among the angels gave him pride as it says in Isaiah chapter 14:13-14, “13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:  14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”

From that beginning, Satan began conspiring against God to overthrow him and take his place on the throne of heaven.  God did not immediately cast Satan out of heaven though.  Satan had time to organize and gather followers from among the other angels who then made their choice, as Lucifer had done, to reject God.  Satan made merchandise of the other angels, or in other words, he used them for his own ends and purposes.  As a result, there was a war in heaven (Rev. 12:7) and God cast Satan and the fallen angels out of heaven to earth.

Satan uses the same techniques on earth as he used in heaven.  He makes merchandise of people for his own ends and purposes.  He is still at war with God and as far as he’s concerned he is going to take as many humans as possible with him, just as he took a third of the angels with him from heaven.  His first task on earth was to turn all humans against God, but God had Noah and Satan failed.  He next tried to unite the world against God through Nimrod, but God once again foiled Satan.  He then tried to destroy God’s people by destroying the nation of Israel, but once again Satan failed.  Satan’s idea was to prevent the redemption of humans by destroying us before God could save us.

Then God sends the Messiah and now Satan’s task is to kill him before God can set up his kingdom.  He thought he had won when Jesus, the Messiah, was put to death on the cross.  However, Satan failed to realize that was God’s plan all along.  Next, Satan has to try to destroy the Church or people of God who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.  Many martyrs died, but God’s people were not destroyed.

God reveals to us what is going to happen at the end of the Church Age, right before he sets up his kingdom, as Satan thought he was going to do at the first coming of the Messiah.  There will be a falling away from the things of God where people declare good evil and evil good.  Satan once again will attempt to unite the world, but now he has his own “Messiah” planned who will once and for all destroy God’s people, both Jew and Christian.

Where there used to be many Christian nations that held to the Godly values of right and wrong, now there is only one, and it’s tottering on its foundation known as the Constitution.  That nation is the United State of America and we have people in our midst determined to destroy the foundation of this nation, because once this last nation is destroyed, then Satan can unite the world against God through his own “messiah,” which we Christians know as the anti-christ.

The effort to destroy America began in earnest in the 1880s with the rise of Fabian socialism which became known as progressivism in this country.  The plan was to convert America from a Biblical worldview to a humanistic worldview.  They began with teacher colleges and textbook publishers.  They then moved to alter the constitution by taking out the safeguards against a big socialistic government, which they accomplished through amendments, but especially the 17th amendment when Senators would be elected by popular vote instead of by state legislatures which protected the states from federal government interference.

All this time the goal has been to convert America from a Biblical worldview to a humanist one.  This goal was never intended to be accomplished overnight.  The battle is still being fought and Christianity has lost a tremendous amount of ground in the fight.  So much so that we are currently witnessing an entire  American political party call good evil and evil good.  As this has happened look at the consequences of calling sin good.  We now kill babies as a nation.  Sex trafficking is running rampant and it appears that many high-ranking people participate and are being allowed to get away with their crimes.  Our children are being further injured by causing them to question even their gender, which is leading to suicide and greater problems down the road mentally for these misguided children.

Did early progressive presidents like William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson forsee this moral collapse when they were advocating progressive reforms in America?  What about progressives in Hollywood in the ’30s and ’40s?  Did they foresee a movie industry that would promote homosexuality, abortion, the exploitation of children, and extreme violence where evil triumphs over good?

My guess is that many of the early progressives would be appalled to know the depths this nation has sunk to.  If Satan had known the consequences of his rebellion against God, would he still have rebelled?  If the old-time progressives had seen the consequences of their actions, would they have rebelled against the Biblical Worldview under which America used to operate?

These people have been made merchandise by Satan as he made merchandise of the angels.  They have rejected God and Satan has used them to fight against God, meaning they must take the opposite tact away from God.  The opposite of God is evil, and so to justify their evil they call it good to ease their own consciences until God gives them up to a reprobate mind.

Romans Chapter 1:20-32 seems to be a history of the progressive movement in America from God’s point of view.

20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

(They grew up in an America with a Biblical Worldview and they knew a great deal about God, the Bible, and right and wrong, as a result.)

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

(They knew of God, but they didn’t know God, and as result, they rejected God and the Biblical Worldview.)

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

(Their pride, like Satan’s pride, began leading them down a path of destruction and the nation they were to lead.)

23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

(They accepted the theory of evolution and rejected the creation of God, making them fear for the future of our planet and accept notions that climate change is man-made.)

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

(All this rejection of the things God included in his mandates against sin began to be openly embraced, which has led to other perversions of sex and gender.)

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

(By rejecting God they set up man as the highest being and that, by default, makes government the greatest power available to men where they go for answers for how to solve the problems of humanity, when it’s that very rejection which causes the problems in the first place.)

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

(The Women’s rights movement has led to women killing their own babies in the name of choice and wanting to become men in both mind and body.  Which has led to confusion as to what it means to be a woman as God created the woman.)

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

(Men openly engage in homosexuality and other sexual perversions that have led to confusion as to what it really means to be a man as God made us.)

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

(Because people have chosen to reject God and his morals, God has seared their conscience so that they have no internal barometer from which to judge if a path is right or wrong.  Therefore, the next three verses describe what happens to those that reject God and refuse to be guided by his morality.)

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

(Do the above three verses sound like modern America?)

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

(America has become so far gone, that those who have rejected God and his morality now rejoice and vote for the people leading them down into the pit of destruction and they cheer as they descend into that pit.)

Thankfully, there’s still a choice in America and we still have something to fight for.  As American citizens, we need to fight for our country by assuring the Republican Party continues to be based on the Judeo-Christian ethic.  We then need to politically fight the Democrat Party which operates under the humanistic philosophy.

As Christians, we need to fight with love by offering an alternative to the world and world solutions.  We need to be different.  We need to have the peace which surpasses all understanding.  The world seeks peace, but peace is not found in the world. Peace is found in God.  John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

John 10:10 explains the difference between Satan and God. ” The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”  Who do you choose to follow?

What Happens When America Falls?

How can Christians keep from getting depressed and discouraged as we witness the dismantling of America and see our countries Christian values and morals mocked and attacked by those in power?  Especially when we believe those in power only got there by rigging an election and then silencing through censorship anyone who dares question the legitimacy of that election.  We have seen the evidence of election fraud that the left is suppressing and yet there seems to be no remedy to make things right.

As Christians, we prayed that God would keep the man in power who was championing Godly values.  Why didn’t God hear our prayers?  How in the world can a Christian be optimistic during times like these?

First off, we don’t know God’s plan.  However, we do know that God’s ways are not our ways and that God’s wisdom far surpasses our wisdom.  We also know that God knows the future and that we do not.  The only future we know is what God has chosen to reveal to us in the Bible.  That means we know that in the last days there will be a falling away and that the globalist will eventually win and take over the world which will be led by the AntiChrist.  We see in our very own country globalists working hard to diminish Christian America.

Are we losing that fight?  Have the globalist taken over?  Have we already been defeated and has America fallen?

If we are indeed in the end times, and I believe we are, then what role does America play?  As a nation, America is the last bastion of freedom, and if America falls there is no place left for anyone to go who is seeking freedom.  We are the last bastion of freedom because we are the last Christian nation.  America is all that stands in the way of globalism and the rise of the Anit-Christ.

Are we fighting a lost cause?  After all, through prophecy, we know that the globalist win and the Anti-Christ will be revealed.  If that’s the case, why fight against the inevitable?

As Paul Harvey used to say, “And now for the rest of the story.”

America will not fall because the left has defeated us.  And by “us,” I mean Christians.  Let me repeat that.  America will not fall because the left has defeated us.  Christians won’t be here when America falls.  II Thessalonians 2:6-8 says,

6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Who needs to be taken out of the way before the AntiChrist can be revealed?  Is it America?  Indirectly, I would say the answer is yes.  However, the correct answer is the Church, made up of those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior.  This is not an organized church or denomination, it is made up of individuals who have asked Jesus Christ to forgive them of their sins and who put their complete faith and trust in Jesus Christ, plus nothing, to get them to heaven.

Since the last Christian nation remaining is America, which also happens to be the strongest nation on earth, then that nation, must be reduced so that an anti-christian power can then replace it.

In other words, the left does not defeat Christians in America.  God removes us through the rapture.  Listen to verse 15 in that same book and chapter, 15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

As Christians, we are the salt of the earth.  Salt is used for preservation.  We are the preservation for America and America will only fall when God removes that preserving effect.  We will not witness the fall of America, because we will be in heaven at the marriage supper of the Lamb when those that reject Christ are left to pick up the pieces after Christians disappear.

What happens after America falls?  The Great Tribulation happens!

What happens to end the Great Tribulation?  The second coming of Christ happens and we return to the earth with him to set up the Kingdom of God.  Satan has been defeated, along with all his followers on the left and all those who reject Christ.  This world system we are now engaged against will have fallen, replaced by the Kingdom of God of which we are citizens.

Should we be discouraged because Biden is our illegitimate President?  No, because it’s all part of God’s plan.  We are to continue to point people to salvation through Jesus Christ.  We are to love our neighbor.  We are to put God first and keep our eyes on him.

Focus on what God is doing and not on what Biden and the Democrats are doing.  God gave us the formula for what we are to be doing in the last days.  It’s found in I Thessalonians Chapter 5.

15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.

16 Rejoice evermore.

17 Pray without ceasing.

18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

We are to be an example of Christ to the world.  We are to rejoice knowing that God wins.  We are to be spiritually united with God through prayer.  We are to be thankful because as Jesus said in the Lord’s Prayer, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Keep your eyes on God and be Christlike.  It doesn’t matter what the left does because, in the end, they lose.  Fear not, we are the victors!

The Mantle of Freedom

I have a story I want to share with you about an Uncle who is a veteran of the United States Army.  He served a tour in Vietnam as a gunner in a chopper, I assume the kind that you see in the movie, “Apocalypse Now.”  He saw things over there that gave him PTSD and it’s been something he has dealt with since he returned.  The point is, he served his country and put his life on the line to ensure freedom for himself and his children.

Three years ago, his family put him in a Veterans Administration Long Term Care facility because they could no longer give him the type of care he needed.  It has now been over a year since they have been allowed to see him, or he them.  My cousin recently got a concession from the facility, and this is what the government allowed this army veteran and his family.

  • Only one visitor per visit over the age of 18
  • Visits are only allowed on Tuesdays between 8 am to 2 pm
  • Visits are limited to 25 minutes

Having previously worked in the prison system in both Florida and West Virginia, these are the types of restrictions used for inmates with one exception, the restrictions for prisoners were not as harsh.

Yet, he is now being held prisoner in the very same facility that was supposed to care for him.  He is not allowed to leave, nor has anyone been allowed to visit him in over a year.  Is that the freedom he fought for?  His children have tried valiantly to be allowed by our government to see their father.  That same father had fought for their freedom, but they were repeatedly denied their request all in the name of protecting people from Covid because we are not as smart as the experts who tell us how to live our lives.

What is the purpose of these continued mask mandates, social distancing, vaccinations, and the threat of travel bans if we cannot prove we’ve had a vaccination for Covid-19?  The official government narrative, and since the Democrats have seized power, that includes the media narrative, is that Covid 19 has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans, and it is a pandemic to be feared and that only experts in the government can protect us from this deadly virus.  Therefore, since they know best, they must protect us now and in the future.

That protection includes the mandates and restrictions we have been dealing with for over a year.  We have all been affected in negative ways by these restrictions and I argue that there have been no positive benefits from this government interference in our lives.  If you think that a positive benefit has been the saving of lives or the slowing down of the spread of Covid-19, then you will want to finish reading if you value truth.

I hope you value the truth.  I hope you’re not the kind of person who prefers to accept whatever you’ve been told by “experts” because you don’t want people to think you’re dumb or a crackpot.  Have you ever noticed how often “experts” are wrong?  What happens when “experts” disagree?  Who do you believe then?

A good rule of thumb for who to believe, is to ask yourself, is one trying to shut the other one up, or are they defending their position with facts and analysis?

Most likely, you’ve only heard one side of the story, though.  The side that is given to us by a government that has slowly been encroaching on our freedoms for decades.  Now, they have picked up the pace and taken advantage of what amounts to a strain of the flu that was manufactured in a lab in China and released on the world, and here in the United States, our government has taken advantage of a created health crisis to instill fear and to prepare us for the subjugation that some within the government have been planning.

Let’s take a look at the truth.  The death toll credited to Covid has been greatly exaggerated because the CDC created a new measuring stick to measure Covid deaths over the criteria they had been using over the previous 17 years.  The reason they chose to count deaths differently is that if they had been counted based on the previous criteria, the death rate would only be 6% of what the numbers currently say.  Those numbers would not reach the level of a pandemic that was needed by the globalist plan of creating a socialist society by 2030.  Including in the United States!

Covid 19 is a great example of how Democrats and the media are misleading the American people in favor of their own leftist agenda of forcing their globalist (a mixture of Communism and Fascism) goals on the American people.  There was an article on “The Gateway Pundit” by Joe Holt from a few days ago I would like to cite and discuss.

The article begins by claiming masks are dangerous and cites studies by dentists, doctors, health organizations, and even the Mayo Clinic.  Masks are associated with self-contamination because the virus is trapped within the nasal passage.  Masks also hold in moisture, which increases your chances of coming down with bacterial pneumonia.

Masks are even toxic, including cloth masks, because they contain and are made from chemicals and fibers that if breathed in on a regular basis can lead to health issues unrelated to Covid-19.  Carefully read this quote from a CDC-funded report from May 2020, “There were 17 eligible studies.…None of the studies established a conclusive relationship between mask respirator use and protection against influenza infection,” states a research review in the journal Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. The data is in, and it shows that infections rose at the same or at an increased rate after mask mandates were instituted!”

Every time, to my knowledge, that the courts have taken up the issue of the governor’s powers to repeatedly issue 60 days emergency rules that limit people’s freedoms, the court rules those mandates to be unconstitutional.  Yet, the left continues to enact what has proven to be unconstitutional rules on the people.  That should give you a clue as to what the Democrats think about the constitution.

Facemasks don’t work and the government knows this.  So why do they continue to pressure and force the American People to wear masks?  It’s a matter of control and getting the people to accept that control, to the point where businesses go bankrupt, we lose our homes and jobs, and we’re not allowed to even visit our elderly parents!  Not even the ones who risked their lives fighting against just the kind of governments that are doing what the Democrat governors and our Democrat President are forcing on us.

It’s time we take a stand as Americans and refuse to comply with the tyrannical and unamerican policies of the Democrats. As Thomas Jefferson said, “When tyranny becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”

Let’s begin by calling these masks what they really are.  They are submission rags designed to begin the process of making the American people used to the idea of giving up our personal freedoms for the alleged good of the group.  That, my friends, is the definition of socialism and socialism is exactly what our soldiers have been fighting against ever since WWII.  Our fathers and grandfathers fought against foreign enemies, but as the oath to the constitution says, “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”  It’s now time we take up the fight for our fathers and grandfathers and fight those domestic enemies working to destroy our constitution.  The mantle of freedom has fallen to us!

A Tale of Power

The last four years, when Donald Trump was President of the United States, the media often tried to paint him as a danger because they claimed he wanted to be a dictator and those on the left who fall in line with the Democratic talking points without pause, chimed in and called him a Hitler that was trying to seize power and become a dictator.

Let us pause, step back, and discover what we can by observation of how both parties behave when it comes to using their power to dictate to the people.  By observation of actual events and evidence of rules made and powers invoked, as opposed to mere rhetoric, we can arrive at the truth.


Now that Biden has assumed the office of President, lawfully or not, we at least have his record to compare to Trump and Obama’s records while they held the office.

When it comes to the constitution, rhetoric says that both parties and their leaders esteem the constitution and reverence it.  What do the actions say?

President Trump recognized the division of powers provided for in the constitution between the three branches of government and who shares power between the federal and state governments, plus the people.  When riots and violence erupted in cities across our country, Trump left it up to the local authorities to bring the rioters under control instead of issuing emergency orders and activating the military to do what local government would not.  However, did you notice that the cities that were greatly affected were run by Democrat leaders, whereas, Republican cities were relatively free of violence?

Why was that the case?  The left would argue that Republicans use strong-arm tactics to put down peaceful demonstrations and are racists to boot.  Is that the case, or is there a better and more truthful explanation?  Peaceful demonstrations do not leave billions of dollars worth of damage, burned cities, and dead bodies in their wake.  Republicans believe the main purpose of government is to protect them when they cannot protect themselves.  The riots of 2020 are a prime example of this.

Why then did the Democrats allow their cities to burn?  The Democrat Party has painted themselves into a corner in their effort to transform the country into a socialist utopia.  To achieve this they must sow division and make people believe they are victims of the system, which they define as the Judeo-Christian ethic and conservatism.  By allowing wrongly defined victims to riot, they sow division and encourage an overthrow of the existing order, which as defined by the constitution, is conservative and based on the Judeo-Christian ethic.  Order is kept by law enforcement; therefore, law enforcement must be demonized as an oppressor to spark violence and confrontation.


When Obama was President he blamed law enforcement for the riots in places like Ferguson, Missouri.  The truth was the opposite of what the media and Obama said it was.  That is the fact.  Biden continues to turn a blind eye to riots and violence, not because of any belief that it is the responsibility of local government to maintain order, but because those riots and violence serve a purpose for the Democrat Party.  That is why he tries to maintain silence on the topic.

Another way of determining who is more apt to abuse power, the Democrats or Republicans, is to look at how Governors and other officials handled the Covid-19 panic.  The Democrat governors responded with emergency orders that enslaved the people to such restrictions that businesses failed, mental health declined, and people were prevented from making a living for their families.  The courts consistently ruled that the policies of Democrat governors were unconstitutional, but that did not prevent them from seeking other ways to keep their draconian policies in effect.

Look at this quote from the governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer.  “We need this transition period to protect the 830,000 Michigan workers and families who are depending on unemployment benefits to pay their bills and put food on the table, and to protect Michiganders everywhere who are counting on their leaders to protect them.”

Let’s break down that quote to see the difference between what conservatives believe and the left.  The transition period she is talking about is the period of time between when her actions are called unconstitutional and when she will accept the court’s ruling.  To a conservative, no transition period is needed when her actions have already been declared illegal.  She is defying the courts and saying that her actions, although illegal, are needed.  That sounds more like a dictator than anything Trump ever did.

She then called the 830,000 people affected by her illegal orders “workers.”  Have you ever noticed how often Democrats use the language of the communist manifesto?  People are not workers, they’re people!  She said those “workers” were depending on the government to put food on the table, all the while those people would prefer to work to put food on their tables by their own efforts and not be dependent on the government.  A condition which was created by Mrs. Whitmer!

She then goes on to say that the reason her illegal directives were needed was to protect Michiganders everywhere from Covid-19.  Implying that people are not able to protect themselves and they need their government leaders to protect them from what has turned out to be nothing more than a bad strain of the flu.  The numbers do not support the panic hoisted on America from a media creating a crisis and a political party who would use that manufactured panic to oust a President they hated.


In actions, Trump did not abuse his power.  Everything he did was within the constitution and he never failed to honor the verdict of a court.  He used the courts if he thought they were wrong, but he never did what the Democrats have done across the nation by trying to keep their illegal directives in place even after declared unconstitutional.

One last thing to look at is the use and abuse of executive orders. The closest thing America has to dictatorial power from our President is the use of the executive order which he can issue directly, effectively making laws outside the authority of the legislative branch.  Here are the numbers for the last six Presidents in their first month in office.  The higher the number, the more they have used this near-dictatorial power.

  • Biden (D) – 22
  • Trump (R) – 7
  • Obama (D) – 9
  • G. W. Bush (R) – 2
  • Clinton (D) – 2
  • G. H. Bush (R) – 1
  • Reagan (R) – 1

Tell me again which President and which party uses more executive orders to circumvent the legislative branch?  The 4 Republicans used a total of 11 while the 3 Democrats used a whopping 33 executive orders!  That averages 2.75 for Republicans and 11 for Democrats.  Incidentally, the record holder for the numb er of executive orders in his term belongs to Democrat Franklin Roosevelt who issued 3,728 in his nearly 12 years in office!

Therefore, which party based on the riots, Covid-19, and Executive orders is more likely to wield their power haphazardly and in dictatorial fashion?  The Democrat Party has by far demonstrated a more dangerous abuse of power and a greater willingness to ignore the constitution.

The Democrat Attack on Morality

The Democrat Party has declared war on Biblical morality.  They are not subtlely attacking the moral foundation of this country as they did in the past.  No, now they are openly attacking God, Christians, and Biblical Morality with an all-out frontal assault.  The question is, will they win?

Isaiah 5:20 says, Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

How do we know the difference between good and evil?  II Timothy 3:16 says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

Either God defines good and evil, or man does.  When God defines good and evil and we follow God’s directions which are given to us because of God’s love for us, then we are able to live a life more abundant and freer from the natural consequence of sin.  A life of peace and harmony.

If man defines good and evil, then each of us has a different set of values, which leads naturally to conflict.  After all, what happens when your idea of evil is the same as my idea of good?  That leads to division, chaos, and anarchy.

For example, let’s look at something as simple as the rules of driving a vehicle.  When it comes to traffic lights, we all know to stop on red, use caution on yellow, and go on green.  What happens when one set of drivers tries to change those rules so that red means go, yellow means, speed up, and green means stop?  What kind of chaos would that lead to?  What kind of confusion would that cause for our children who are going to be driving someday?  What kind of road rage incidents would happen if we followed two different sets of traffic rules?  I’d be mad at people who believed red meant to go and they’d be mad at me for not accepting their change of the rules that green means to stop.

Think of our children who are observing us drive so that they will know how to be a safe driver and avoid accidents once they take to the road.  They will have to decide who to believe.  They might become so confused that they make up their own rules which brings them into conflict with even more drivers.  They might even become confused about other rule changes, such as if they’re male or female.  What would happen to the suicide rate for those who can’t handle all the conflict these new rules are causing?

Here’s where the real problem comes that most people don’t think about.  We are not born with a blank slate that we fill in through education and observation.  We are born with innate knowledge.  We are born with a knowledge of good and evil which is given to us at birth by God.  We are born with a conscience.

If we were born with the innate knowledge that red means stop, yellow caution, and green go, then a political party comes along and tries to change the rules, imagine the division, confusion, and chaos that would create.  The Democrat Party argues that if everyone would just accept their “fact” that red means go, then there would be peace and harmony.

The problem is, to use the traffic light analogy, God has given us an innate knowledge that red means stop.  That means that the left has to constantly be in a state of reeducation of the masses.  Eventually, as happens in socialist societies, people don’t seem to get it, so the socialists turn to force and coercion.

What happens to society when one party tries to change the rules that we have gone by throughout our history?  II Timothy 3:1-5 says,

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

For the last two thousand years, since God’s Word has been completed, Christians have often thought that described their generation.  After all, those kinds of people have always existed because people reject God.  What’s different this time?  This time, in America and around the world, there is an organized political effort to change good into evil and evil into good.

The Democrat Party gives God lip service, but not only denies his power but openly works against God.  After all, as shown in my book, “Where’s the Party?,” the Democrat Party rejects all 10 of God’s commandments.  What about “Christians” who continue to support the Democrat Party and its policies?  As God says in II Corinthians 6:14, Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Matthew 6:24 says No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Psalm 38:20, They also that render evil for good are mine adversaries; because I follow the thing that good is.

God has defined good and evil in his word.  As it says in Joshua chapter 24, choose ye this day whom ye will serve.  Are you going to be an adversary of God and continue to support a party and principles which are anti-Christian, or are you going to agree that God sets the rules of good and evil?

One way brings division, chaos, and eventual anarchy, which will enslave our children.  The other way brings peace and harmony.  Which do you choose for your children?  The Democrat Party might be able to sow division and promote their anti-Christian agenda today.  And eventually, their globalist idea will be achieved, but only after Jesus Christ has raptured Christians from this earth.  That time period is known as the Great Tribulation.  Jesus will return and destroy his enemies.  God wins.  God always wins!