Democrat Party Strategy to Undermine our Foundation

By Bill Hawkins:

We often hear conservatives and Republicans say that the Democrat Party is trying to destroy the country. Just what does that mean and is there any evidence for the assertion?

When conservatives say the Democrats want to destroy this county, they do not mean they’re trying to destroy it as a foreign enemy would attempt in a time of war. They are not dropping bombs or forming armies to squash resistance (Antifa notwithstanding).

The Democrat strategy is to transform this country into a socialist state in another attempt to make the utopian dream of Karl Marx work. The problem they face is that the United States Constitution is a very conservative document that protects against centralized power. Since centralization is the key to socialism, then the constitution must be so altered or destroyed, so as to make an all-powerful national government possible.

Bible ConstitutionTherefore, the key for the Democrat Party is to undermine the foundation of the constitution and the pillars of support that give strength to our Constitutional Republic.

This nation was founded on Christian principles as noted by John Adams, our second President, who said, “This constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Patrick Henry, signer of the Declaration of Independence said, “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.”

Democrat policy, or strategy, is designed to undermine the above foundation of our country with the purpose of effectively destroying our constitution. As evidence, to discredit our founders they attack them as white male slaveholders. That is why you see the current racist policy of calling all whites racists.

They call our founders racists because they inherited the institution of slavery and failed to abolish it immediately even though most of them were against the practice. At the same time, they conveniently ignore the fact that white men fought and died to abolish the practice as evidenced by Republican President Abraham Lincoln and the soldiers of our Union who fought the Democrat-controlled South during the Civil War.Revolutionary Insights

Since the founders were predominantly Christian, they must also attack Christianity, which is evidenced by their attack on Biblical Morality. Why do Democrats support the LGBTQ community? It is because LGBTQ is opposed by Biblical morality. Why do Democrats support abortion? It is because abortion is opposed by Biblical morality. Why do Democrats support eliminating public prayer and displays of the 10 commandments, crosses, and manger scenes, it is because those public displays invoke our Biblical Heritage.

The Democrat Party ran an open socialist, Bernie Sanders, for President. There are over sixty Democrat members of Congress who identify as Socialists. The party platform itself addresses the people of America as workers, just as Karl Marx addressed the people as workers.

Therefore, when a conservative or Republican says that the Democrats are trying to destroy America, they are doing so based on the evidence as it exists. When just about all Democrat policy is based on undermining the constitution and its support, then it’s safe to say that the Democrat Party is trying to destroy this county as founded and existed until the Democrat Party began to change in the last century.

As the Democrat Party of the past was infiltrated by the left and adopted the socialist agenda, the enemy is now openly within our walls of government and the institutions of our country to the level where we are in grave danger of losing the last bastion of freedom.

Listen to my related podcast on this subject.

(My next article will address the Democrat strategy to undermine the 6 pillars.)

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