The Danger Facing America

I recently was talking to a man born and raised in Hong Kong who was asking questions to clarify the differences between Democrats and Republicans.  He seemed to have a mixture of the two and didn’t quite understand which side his thoughts were on.  During this conversation he asked something that took me a few moments to wrap my mind around because his way of thinking was so foreign to me.  He thought nationalism and being a patriot was dangerous.  

The way he spoke I identified this as being a liberal thought, but I still didn’t understand why the liberals thought love for country was dangerous.  So I asked him to explain his thought process.  He said it was because in Nazi Germany people who loved their country did horrible things to their enemies, both foreign and domestic.  He went on to say that Kamikaze pilots in WWII dove their plans on suicide missions into American ships out of love for their country.  So what is to stop an American who loves his country from also committing heinous acts of brutality against enemies both foreign and domestic?

That was a very good question and a few years ago I would have answered his question differently, but now because of the violence coming from the left that is not being condemned by Democrats, I had to agree it could happen in America too.

I asked him if he was a Christian and he said he was.  So I asked him which laws Christians are to obey first, God’s laws or man’s laws?  He said Christians are to obey God’s laws first.  I then asked if God’s laws would permit us as individuals to commit heinous acts against our enemies both foreign and domestic?  He said no.  To which I asked, which political party has as their basic core belief morality as defined in the Bible?  He answered, “The Republican Party.”

I then asked which political party in American was currently carrying out acts of violence against those they disagree with.  His reply was the Democratic Party.  I asked him why that was and he wasn’t sure at first, then answered, “Because they don’t base their morality on the Bible.”  I agreed, the morality of the Democratic Party is based on Humanism which says that morality is defined by the individual and society.

All patriotism is not bad, as it was in Nazi Germany and Japan during WWII.  I gave as an example the British Empire on which the sun never sat.  They didn’t commit mass outrageous atrocities like the Holocaust or the Rape of Nanjing.  Places colonized by the British Empire were given their freedom and advanced as countries under British rule.

America saved Europe and the Pacific region during WWII and we have been a force of good in the world by fighting tyrants and those who would destroy their own people.  We did so because we had as our core the beliefs of Bible and its morality.

However, as the left has abandoned those beliefs and turned wholeheartedly toward humanism and socialism, we do have reason to fear what could happen should they come to power again because they do not have a higher moral authority than that defined by society, and thus the government, which they would control.

Americans used to wander how Adolf Hitler and the Nazi’s could come to power in Germany.  The German Worker’s Socialist Party (Nazi) came to power because they bullied and intimidated their enemies into silence.  Does that sound familiar?  It should because the same thing is beginning to happen in the United States of America!

It has become clear that the Democrats will do anything to regain power as evidenced by not only their silence, but by their very words which not only fail to condemn the violence, but they actually encourage it.  As the woman picked to lead the Democratic Party as their Presidential candidate said in October of 2018, “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.  That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

If this hadn’t come on the heels of a socialist shooting up a Republican Congressional softball practice, the calls for the harassment of Trump administration officials and Republican Senators and Representatives, the death threats received by Justice Kavanaugh and those who voted for his confirmation, the attacks on Republican candidates and their staff; then I might give her the benefit of a doubt,   However, there is no doubt the Democrat Party is currently encouraging violence against Republicans.

If the right instigates violence or threats, Republicans condemn it.  When the left does the same, the Democrats not only refuse to condemn it, but they actually encourage it!  Just ask Maxine Waters.

As long as those in power believe in a higher authority than society or the government, then patriotism and love for country should be encouraged.  However, when a party that has no higher authority to answer to other than itself, then fear that party and see it for the danger it truly represents.

The Democrat Party now openly favors socialism.

When socialism turns to violence and intimidation, it becomes fascism.  Fascism gave us the Holocaust.

When socialism turn deadly it becomes Communism. Communism gave us Gulags and tens of millions killed by their own governments.

If you are a Democrat, bring your party back from this dangerous precipice.

If you are a Republican, stand up and recognize the threat that is now facing us!

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