5 Reasons to Resist

There was a time when war was glamorized in movies as a romantic adventure with swashbuckling officers leading their men in a heroic charge and taking a hill against insurmountable odds.  However, those kinds of moives fell out of vogue when the left tried to discourage wars against communism such as Korea and especially Vietnam.

However, movies glorifying resistance movements never fell out of vogue because the left was able to redefine fascists and equate them to conservatives.  Of course, the truth is that fascists are socialist, but most people have no idea what a fascist really is.  If you’re not sure you can always go back and listen to my podcast defining fascism by clicking on the link.

War is not a pretty thing and being put in a situation where we have to resist a power trying to conquer us is just as ugly.  However, there comes a time when difficult decisions must be made and we have to stand up to the ugliness and defend our freedoms from a government wishing to take those freedoms away in order to meet its oppressive goals.

We have been facing this onslaught against our freedoms for a long time in America and we have fought back where it was proper for us to do so.  The fight was at the ballot box using peaceful tools of persuasion to affect the outcome of elections.

Force is Being Used

However, what happens when one party cannot win using those peaceful tools of persuasion and instead resorts to using lies, deception, fraud, and force?  Three of those four have been part of American politics from the beginning, but lately, we have witnessed an unprecedented rise in this deceit until it culminated in a stolen election for which their is plenty of evidence.

The introduction of force by the Democrat Party is something new to the American scene where voters are disenfranchised and the threat of retribution and violence are used to intimidate us into submission.  I’m not just speaking of the riots justified by the Democrats in cities they control, but I’m also speaking of the unprecendented pressures being put on Americans since Biden illegally rose to power.

The tactics of the left, as defined within the Democrat Party, had been to slowly erode away our liberties in such a way that not everyone is affected at the same time.  For that reason, they have been very successful in their efforts to turn this nation into their new vision of a socialist state.  That meant that aware Americans had drawn different lines for themselves as to how far they could be pushed before they began to resist.  With people having drawn different lines at different places, we were never unified because no power grab had caused every American to make a decision between submission and resistance at the same time.

They Have Drawn the Line

Until now.  This time the Democrat Party has drawn the line for all Americans and it’s clear and visible to everyone.  The vaccine mandate is affecting every American in some form with a very real threat that puts our freedoms and ability to support our families in jeopardy.  We all know someone in danger of losing their job unless they submit to this gross government intrusion into our lives.  The line has been drawn for everyone and it was drawn by the man occupying the White House.  A position he gained illegally as more and more evidence of massive voter fraud is amassed against those who put Joe Biden in power.

We Are Living Under Tyranny

We are currently living under a tyrannical government.  If you missed my podcast about the five parts of the definition of tyranny and how all five parts of that definition have been met by the Biden regime, then listen to the podcast here if you doubt we’re living under a tyrannical government.

The Democrats, whose motto seems to be, “never let a good crisis go to waste,” has been exaggerating Covid numbers across the board since this apparently man-made version of the flu hit us.  A man-made version that Dr. Fauci helped to fund, by the way.  They changed the way deaths were defined to add an additional 95% to the death toll attributed to COVID.  That’s why those who allow themselves to be deceived think COVID is more of a problem than it truly is.

Study after study has come out saying masks are ineffective, as are the shutdowns of our economy, yet how many people continue to wear masks because the government tells them to, despite the evidence saying differently.

We are then told vaccines will solve the problem, but people with vaccines are still getting COVID and it’s happening at such a rate that logic tells us the vaccines are problematic.  We are still being given misleading numbers to fool us to submit, such as hospitalization numbers.  A new study of those numbers shows that hospitals have been counting people coming into their facilities for other treatments as COVID patients if they have tested positive, even without symptoms, and even if being in the hospital for another reason that has nothing to do with COVID.

We have witnessed lie after lie, and deception after deception, yet the media is part of these lies and deception so that Americans who have been taught not to question their government fail to realize they are being led down the path of submission.  Link

We Are Being Subjugated

The time has come to resist our government.  Not out of some false romantic idea that we’re like the resistance fighters of WWII or the patriots of the American Revolution.  It is time to resist because we are being conquered from within, just as was predicted by Kruchev at the United Nations on November 18, 1956.  The Democrat Party has embraced socialism in a new form that is a hybrid between communism and fascism.  Their goal in America is the subjugation of the American people with the leaders of the Democrat Party and their accomplices in the media and Big Tech to become our masters.

We are seen as consumers that need to be manipulated for financial gain and to create a society to be managed by those that think they’re elite and those who think they know better how to manage our lives in order to bring about some far-off utopian dream.

We’re the Last Bastion of Freedom

For over a  century people from around the world have been fleeing from other countries that had implemented socialism.  Just like the Democrats are trying to do in America today.  America is the last bastion of freedom.  What happens if this last bastion of freedom falls?  What then?  Where do we flee to?  We have nowhere to go, so that makes it even more important for us to resist this unlawful, unconstitutional, and unAmerican attack on our liberties.

Revolutionary InsightsHow do we resist?  We don’t wear masks.  We don’t submit to a vaccine that is currently killing more people than COVID.  The media has proven they’re not to be trusted, so it’s up to us to inform our neighbors of the truth in a kind way.  We question even what the CDC says because we have also caught them in too many lies.  We find others willing to resist and we unite with them.  You may even want to consider joining a militia in case the Democrats allow their militant wing, ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter to intimidate peaceful citizens and voters.

However, the most important thing we as Christians need to be doing is praying for God’s direction and caring for our neighbors.  Use these uncertain times to tell others about our hope we have in Christ.  Show your neighbors you care for them, not just for their vote.  Satan is using the Democrat Party to push us ever closer to the anit-Christ.  Let us turn this against Satan and the Democrats by witnessing and sharing God’s love, hope, and the liberty that we find only in Christ.  The Democrats can only give fear and oppression as they try to subjagate us to conform to a world without the hope we have in Christ.  Stand firm!  Defend the faith, your neighbors and your families.

As it says in James 4:7, “Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee far from you.”