The Myth of Faith vs Science

There are several myths perpetuated by the media, education, Hollywood, and the left against conservatives designed to mislead the people about what we really believe.  Myths such as the Democrats are for the poor and Republicans are for the rich, or Republicans are against immigration, or that we are racist, or whatever lie the left wants to spread so they can keep people from the truth.

Another one of those myths is that conservatives don’t believe in science, as if it’s an either-or proposition.  If I tell someone I believe in creation, they respond by saying condescendingly, “Well, I believe in science.”  I think to myself, “That’s a stupid answer.”  The implication is that a person that believes in creation takes that on faith and faith and science cannot coexist.  That is a false assumption by those who put their faith in evolution.

Yes, those who believe in evolution do so on faith.  If you really want to bug an arrogant evolutionist, tell them you admire their faith and they will nearly become unglued.  They usually get angry as if I’m calling them some horrible being for telling them that to believe in evolution that belief must be taken on faith.  However, that’s exactly the case.  Whether a person believes in creation or evolution, both beliefs must be taken on faith.

Is evolution fact?  No.  Can evolution be scientifically proven?  No.  Does all the scientific evidence point to evolution?  No.  Is there scientific evidence that supports creation?  Yes.  Can creation be scientifically proven?  No.  So both evolution and creation must be taken on faith.

I still have those who place their faith in evolution declare it is a scientific fact.  When they tell me that I respond by saying, “Since you seem to believe evolution is a scientific fact, then I know where you can get $250,000 just by proving it’s a fact.  I know of a creationist that has set aside $250,000 in an escrow account to be awarded to anyone who can prove evolution.  That money is still there, but since you claim it’s a fact, would you like me to give you the address of where to send the evidence so you can collect the money?”  No one ever asks for the address, they usually put their head down knowing that I called their bluff and they don’t have the evidence they just moments before assured me existed.

I then ask, “Have you ever studied creation science?”  I’ve only had one person I asked that question respond yes and I’ll get back to him a little further down.  The problem with those who reject creation is that they’ve never been taught creation science.  I tell them, “I have been taught both evolution and creation and to be quite frank, I don’t have enough faith to believe in evolution.”  I then sincerely, and the following statement is very sincere, tell them that I admire their faith.

Surprisingly they’re not angry anymore.  It’s as if they’re stunned to realize their belief system is based on faith.  Being able to open a closed mind is a beautiful thing.  Liberals love to think conservatives are closed-minded and that they’re open-minded.  However, I’ve found the opposite to be true.  I have studied both sides and know both sides and choose to put my faith in creation.  Liberals have only experienced one side.  They have not been taught creation, therefore, they only know what other evolutionists say about creation and most of what they say is not true.

The one person I came across that had studied both creation and evolution but chose to put his faith in evolution, we’ll call John.

I said the following, “When I get to heaven and ask God if creation or evolution is true, then according to you, God will take me in his arms and say, ‘Bill, I know this is going to surprise you, but I sure hope you didn’t really believe me when I said I created the world in 6 days.’  But Jesus, you said in your word that you created the world in six days.

“Bill, I know I said that, but I really didn’t think you’d believe me.  You should have believed John when he told you that the world came about over billions of years.  I really appreciate you thinking I had that kind of power, but come on, you really didn’t think I could create the world in 6 days did you?”

My head would be hanging and I would quietly reply, “But Jesus, you said you did.”

Jesus would hug me tighter, and then he would softly say, “Bill, you simply had too much faith.  You should have believed John and not me.”

That’s when I told John, if I have to put my faith in what you say or what God says, I’m afraid I’m going to have believe God, but I really do admire your faith.”  That was when John walked off without saying anything.

I see evidence of God all around me, but I don’t see evidence of evolution.  If you believe in evolution and reject God, then all I can say is, I admire your faith.  You see, it’s not faith versus science, it’s faith versus faith.  Faith in God or faith in man.  Science is a good way to understand the orderly universe God created.  Evolution is just a guessing game.